Postal industry services

  • Can you respond effectively and timely to market liberalisation?
  • Can you maintain market share and competitive advantage?
  • Can you optimise your network capability?

Gradual deregulation along with Quality of Service (QoS) requirements and Universal Service Obligation (USO) create challenges for all organisations operating in the postal industry. In addition, the liberalisation of the postal market throughout Europe has led to new emerging issues such as:

  • funding the provision of universal service
  • remaining competitive by enhancing efficiency and quality in order to maintain market share and economies of scale
  • providing services at prices that reflect customer needs
  • balancing regulation to allow market entry and maintain universal service provision.

How can we add value to your organisation?

We offer a wide range of services that address the needs and challenges in the postal sector:

We have significant experience in designing/conducting surveys, analysing the impact of the changes in the postal market. Our team will help you assess the current state and evaluate possible future scenarios for the postal sector (such as trends, opportunities, best practices). To this end, we use a variety of research methods and tools (i.e. questionnaires, online survey tools, interviews).

We have assembled a cross-functional team that possesses proven expertise in financial modelling, costing and regulation and extensive knowledge of the postal market. Our team is highly qualified, with significant experience in both bottom-up and top-down modelling techniques. We provide robust solutions and develop models/systems that can be based on different costing methodologies, support various input scenarios and manage to incorporate and model multiple factors to capture complicated business environments.

In the past, postal operators have developed their own supply and logistics chains and networks to deliver services to clients. Now, organisations seek ways to extend these networks without taking on additional risk. In such cases we can assist you in assessing the benefits, risks and costs of engaging in supply chain collaboration. We can support you in improving network efficiency and delivery performance.

There are many views on how postal assets can be structured. Financial and legal restructuring of a postal operator is a complex procedure with many decisions to be taken. We have the ability to offer the required blend of specific skills to structure and transfer ownership of the assets. Our industry specialists have a profound knowledge of the various concepts of privatisation, corporatisation, commercialisation and deregulation. These concepts rely on instruments such as licenses and concessions, leasehold contracts, Build-Operate-Transfer, Build-Operate-Finance-Transfer, Build-Operate-Own and other arrangements.

Our Organisational Design team is made up of experienced executives with a deep understanding of the postal sector. Several reorganisation projects have successfully been delivered to postal clients, but also to clients in other sectors. We can assist you to transform your business into an efficient and dynamic organisation by redesigning your structures, reviewing roles and responsibilities and developing job descriptions in order to align the business strategy to your HR strategy and culture.We can help you manage change and implementation issues by conducting change-readiness assessments and developing change-management plans and communication strategies for all employees and key stakeholders.

We can work with you to provide postal services that are reliable, accurate, comply to demanding time frames and according to the highest quality standards. PwC offers a full suite of services to assist postal operators throughout the cycle of implementing a quality driven, robust and reliable Quality of Service Monitoring (QSM) system.

We can help you develop a vision and strategy which is the first step towards building a durable business. Strategic, scenario and options analysis and planning can help companies identify possible challenges and maximise opportunities.

Our services comply with all legislative, regulatory, technical and business requirements and are delivered by professionals with extensive experience in complex domestic projects and similar multinational assignments. Our culture is to work collaboratively with our clients, to deliver a successful result, with knowledge transfer.

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