
  • Does your management reporting provide relevant, reliable and timely information to support your decision making process?
  • Are your operations carried out in a risk-free, efficient and effective way? Do you need to reduce or reconfigure your cost base?
  • Do you have a robust budgeting process and a yearly budget which is used as a benchmark for actual performance throughout the year? 
  • Are there any grey areas in your reporting lines, roles and responsibilities which create friction and conflicts?
  • Do you need to comply with SEC requirements in relation to SOX s404 and XBRL?

Our shipping experience and expertise

The uncertain global economic environment, the oversupply of new and bigger vessels, the unprecedented volatility in the freight rates and vessel values, the risk of piracy, the increasing regulation and environmental concerns - are factors which have added to a very challenging business environment that puts shipping executives to the test.

Companies that are able to critically assess the situation can navigate a challenging business environment in a way that makes the most of opportunities arising. Those who don’t know enough about their organisation or the external market will be inclined to take the path of least resistance, leading to defensive and unsuitable actions. 

Our dedicated shipping industry team is constantly developing specialised services and business solutions to assist you with the increasing complexities and challenges. We can help you understand the current issues and industry trends and help make decisions that are in the best interests of your company.

How we can add value to your shipping business

PwC’s Target Operating Model framework provides a clear and versatile means of describing your organisation’s current model, designing a new one which can deliver your business strategy and then making that operating model a reality. Find out more here.

PwC has the core competencies in the fundamental infrastructure areas that form the building blocks of capturing value in a transaction. Our experienced professionals apply their subject-matter and process expertise to help your organisation realise synergies, identify and eliminate redundancies, and position your organisation to achieve transaction objectives. Find out more here.

We support clients in identifying, understanding and managing regulatory requirements and help ensure an appropriate balance between risks and opportunities. Find out more here.

Our team is available to meet and discuss with you how we can match our local and global expertise to your needs and requirements and formulate the right solution for you.

Contact us

Kostas Perris

Partner, Advisory, PwC Greece

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