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The future of finance in banking
Elevating the role of the finance function as a strategic business advisor
Our report provides an insightful analysis of the Greek tax system. In Greece, tax collection performance lags behind the European average, while complexity and ineffectiveness are posing obstacles to fiscal consolidation.
The Greek tax system is characterised by high tax rates which do not result in the anticipated revenue. At the same time, while total annual tax revenues remain fairly stable the tax parameters are constantly changing, leading to a number of peculiarities, as for example:
In Greece, tax rates in all categories are among the highest in Europe, with tax collection remaining close to the average or even lower. Growth is the only way to achieve fiscal consolidation. Indicatively, a 10% increase in GDP could raise tax revenues by 11.3%.
The complete reconfiguration of the tax system towards simplification, tax rate reductions, tax-free threshold increases and higher marginal income will make it more effective in terms of revenues and a facilitator for growth.
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Elevating the role of the finance function as a strategic business advisor
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Welcome to the 28th Annual PwC CEO Survey. This year, we explore the perspectives of CEOs from Greece and around the globe on economic growth, key threats, and strategic actions.
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Greece's macroeconomic outlook has improved significantly. Our 27th Annual Global CEO Survey for Greece reflects this progress, highlighting growing confidence and the country's transformative potential.
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As environmental, financial and societal pressures converge, today’s leaders must solve a new equation.
Director, Internal Firm Services, Marketing & Communications, Athens, PwC Greece