Global M&A trends in financial services: 2025 outlook
Cautious optimism for an uptick in financial services M&A activity in 2025 as megadeals return and deal values rise.
We focus on the future of financial services, effectively working with clients as they reevaluate their strategies in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, while advising on key issues such as the impact of risk and regulation, cyber and financial crime, new financial service technologies and FinTech, and the changing face of the customer.
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The future of financial services
Cautious optimism for an uptick in financial services M&A activity in 2025 as megadeals return and deal values rise.
M&A in 2025: Big deals, winning hands, and wild cards. Megadeal momentum returns to the market—but dealmakers will need to expect the unexpected.
New ways in which investors and users interact with the built environment will spur real estate M&A activity in 2025.
Strategy& outlined how to rebuild the value proposition of the finance function to transform the banking sector.