Ukrainian findings: Fraud Labyrinth without an exit?
Over the last 20 years PwC’s Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey (GECS) has been one of the premier thought leadership publications on economic crime globally.
The aim of GECS is to assess corporate attitudes towards fraud and economic crime and how these, in turn, have impacted organisations all over the world.
The continued rise of fraud and economic crime is impacting many more Ukraine-based companies in more diverse ways, posing difficult questions for organisations: is our risk management programme agile enough to meet the dynamic challenges being thrown up by a globalised business environment? Are we leveraging technology effectively? How are we responding in crisis situations? Are we prepared for the worst-case scenarios?
● Identify, rank and address risks
● Back up anti-fraud technology with the right governance, expertise and monitoring
● Take notice of fraud when it happens
● Get to the root of the problem
● Get external assistance to investigate
● Disclose to board and government authorities
● Enhance internal controls, policies and procedures
● Introduce new technologies
● Conduct training
Marcin Klimczak
Partner, Forensic Leader, PwC Poland, Ukraine and the Baltics
Tel: +48 227 464 087