Albanian CEO Survey as part of PwC's 24th Annual Global CEO Survey

An improved outlook: CEOs’ agenda for tomorrow

One year into the COVID-19 pandemic, we surveyed Albanian CEOs about their plans to respond to new threats, transform their operating model and create a more sustainable future.

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Expected recovery in the horizon

Our results show that the Albanian CEOs seem to be more optimistic about global economy prospective growth compared to last year results (55%). As many as 66% of Albanian CEOs believe that global economic growth will improve, unveiling a similar business sentiment influenced primarily by their local and regional market operations.

Confidence in performance is high

Albanian CEOs seem to have greater belief in their own organizations' resilience than in the overall economic outlook. They not only forecast revenue growth for their organizations for the next 12 months, but also they display a good level of confidence in their expectations. 77% of the Albanian CEOs are confident or very confident in their growth prospects – and even more (81%) when talking about the mid-term development.

What plans back optimism?

When asked about drivers of revenue growth over the next 12 months, the largest number of CEOs both regionally and globally traditionally plan to focus on operational efficiencies. However, Albanian CEOs think otherwise this year. Collaboration with entrepreneurs or start-ups is viewed as the most important activity to drive growth revenue. In addition to that, plans for new strategic alliance or joint ventures have marginally increased for Albanian CEOs (51% this year vs 25% the previous one). The appetite to sell a business has increased considerably to 47% when compared to last year's 1.5%, an activity which has been considered as the last one to focus in order to grow in the near future. At the same time only 11% of Albanian CEOs seem willing to consider to focus on growth within, compared to 67% on the previous year.

I extend my appreciation to all the respondents who shared their thoughts, expertise, future outlook and concerns with us this year. Your contribution and insights are invaluable.

Loreta Peci
Country Managing Partner, PwC Albania

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Loreta Peci

Country Managing Partner, Tax and Legal Services, PwC Albania

Erold Kamberi

Senior Manager, Tax and Legal Services , PwC Albania

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