Capital Markets and Accounting Advisory Services

Delivering value to clients around accounting for complex transactions and accounting change


Supporting clients in moments of exceptional change

If you face change, you will encounter complex accounting and financial reporting challenges. We can help you navigate these challenges and preserve the value of your business. Our key strength is the wealth of experience we have in helping our clients manage these complex events. 

Our services

PwC’s Capital Markets and Accounting Advisory Services ("CMAAS") is a regionally based group of highly-experienced professionals who provide clients with independent and objective advice on transaction accounting, accounting change and accounting problem solving.

Accounting Advisory 

Please click below for more information on: 

  • GAAP change – IFRS 9, IFRS 15, IFRS 16
  • New IFRS 17 – Insurance Contracts
  • Financial Accounting Advice
  • IFRS 9 

More about Accounting Advisory

For the most recent financial reporting technologies, please click below

More about Financial Reporting Technologies

Financial Management Reporting 

PwC remains committed to helping companies improve their reporting in the belief that the traditional financial reporting model has become too complex and predominant in order to meet the needs of preparers and users in today's capital markets.

More about Financial Management Reporting

We can help you improve accounting and transparency, and gain greater credibility with well-planned, efficient IPSAS conversion.

More about IPSAS
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