Transfer of Hydrocarbon Rights
Transfer of Hydrocarbon Rights
- Based on the law, hydrocarbon rights are considered as part of non-hydrocarbon operations.
- The costs for obtaining, maintaining, and improving such rights are considered as non-deductible expenses on hydrocarbon operations, but are capitalized as immovable property and amortized at 5% rate on non-hydrocarbon operations.
- The transfer of the hydrocarbon right, fully or partially, from the entity holding it (the transferor) to the transferee, has tax consequences. From the transfer of the right, the transferor may realize a capital gain on its non-hydrocarbon operations, which is expected to be taxed as ordinary income under Law no. 8438 “On Income Tax”.
- Additionally, the corresponding income, deductible expenses and permitted losses from hydrocarbon operations pertaining to such right, are expected to be transferred to the transferee, who will be liable to tax on the respective taxable profit.
Administration and Impact
Administration and Impact
The law clarifies the applicable laws for tax administration purposes as well as the extent of its impact. In these regards, this law and its provisions shall be considered as the relevant legal framework for tax purposes, as soon as it enters into force, regardless of the provisions of any PSC signed following such period. For PSCs signed prior to this moment, the fiscal treatment will be done in accordance with the PSC and the respective income law of the time. This is due to the fiscal stability clause provided in the previous PSCs, which in case of unfavorable fiscal changes for the holder of the hydrocarbon right, restricts the applicability of such changes.