Customer Experience

Customer insights should underpin every dimension of your customer strategy, whether it be customer experience design, marketing, sales or service optimisation.

Ingredients for great experiences

Give customers a great experience and they’ll buy more, be more loyal and share their experience with friends. Great. That’s what every company strives for. Yet, so many consumers seem disappointed. Call it an experience disconnect: companies tout the latest technology or snappy design, but haven’t focused on—or invested in—the most meaningful aspects of customer experience.

What truly makes for a good experience? Speed. Convenience. Consistency. Friendliness. And one big connector: human touch—that is, creating real connections by making technology feel more human and giving employees what they need to create better customer experiences.

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Experience is everything: Get it right

Where should you focus to create great customer experience?

Keeping the customer satisfied should be a core aim for any business, and underpinning this are three areas to focus on:

Commercial excellence

With businesses increasingly having to do more with less there is a drive to make the front office as effective as possible. Pricing models may be misaligned, sales and marketing strategies might not be making the return they should. This and a variety of other commercial concerns often hold back businesses. Taking stock of your front-office capabilities will increase revenue, profitability and financial resilience.

Omni-channel customer engagement

How do your customers interact with your organisation? Are they happy with the experience? Are the platforms and methods you use effective in meeting customer needs, and are they economically sound? These are some of the challenges clients face around customer engagement. Getting this right can have a profound impact on customer satisfaction, loyalty, and cost reduction.

Technology innovation

New and existing competitors will always be challenging your business, and often they will be innovating in ways you didn’t expect. By using customer technology to gather better data, make more effective analysis, develop new customer products and services, you can improve operations, efficiencies and how you better engage your customers.

How we can help

We can help you pursue true market differentiation by looking across conventional structures and addressing key challenges.

Customer strategy

We help our clients design outside-in customer strategies which develop value propositions that address customers’ underlying needs and desired outcomes. We ensure it is underpinned by Analytics and Experience Design to build differentiated experiences that align with your core brand promise.

Customer experience

Are you aligning your brand promise, products and services, channels and pricing with your customers’ touchpoint and consumption experiences? Customer Experience is now one of the key sources of competitive advantage. Get it right and it will build customer engagement and revenues; get it wrong and risk losing customers, negative impact on your corporate reputation and loss in revenues and market share.

Marketing and sales

Marketing and Sales remains the vanguard of many businesses’ commercial models today, yet both disciplines are evolving rapidly to changing customer behaviours and expectations, and new digital technologies.  We help our clients ensure that their marketing and sales strategies and operations are aligned to the rapidly changing behaviours and channel usage of today’s customer and are integrated with service and operations in a way that drives increased effectiveness and efficiency.

Service and engagement

Progressive customer service and engagement creates a culture within an organisation that is focussed on the customer experience. It provides the infrastructure to build on past successes to reach new levels of excellence. We help our clients transform their customer service and engagement from cost centres into revenue generating businesses.

Pricing and profitability

We help our clients evaluate the core drivers of customer demand and their relationship to pricing strategy, while also considering cost drivers and enablers. Rooted in deep customer analytics, we ensure that pricing becomes adaptive to your market and the ever changing value perceptions of your customers, while identifying ways to lower costs and increase profitability.

Customer Analytics

Harnessing the value of data and building customer analytics into a core business competency will define the next winners. It’s more than product, price and service – it’s also about convenience and getting to the right customer at the right time with the right offering. Customer insights should underpin every dimension of your customer strategy, whether that be customer experience design, marketing, sales or service optimisation. 

Contact us

Gabriela Teixeira

Gabriela Teixeira

Partner, PwC Angola

Tel: +244 925 120 610

Fernando Vasconcelos

Fernando Vasconcelos

Partner, PwC Angola

Tel: +244 949 912 713

Alexandra  Moutinho

Alexandra Moutinho

Director, PwC Angola

Tel: +244 934 281 820

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