IT Sourcing

IT Sourcing involves assisting clients to understand how to provision their ICT (Information and communications technology) capabilities to support their business

Business Problems

  • “I need to take cost out of my ICT support arrangements.”
  • “I am having challenges with my incumbent ICT suppliers.”
  • “My ageing ICT is inflexible and doesn’t meet the demands of my future business.”
  • “I’m going through a business transformation – my ICT needs to keep up”

How we can help

IT Sourcing provides advisory and delivery support across the sourcing lifecycle. This includes:

Initial strategic review and options analysis, determining insource v outsource options

Creating the procurement and commercial strategies

Defining requirements and business cases

Delivering the procurement(s) and negotiating/forming deals

Supporting transition and contract management activities

Revisiting contracts in their lifecycle through benchmarking and continuous improvement

Proven approach

  • All stages of our approach to the IT Sourcing lifecycle are under-pinned by methods, tools and templates that have been compiled, assembled and improved over years of hands-on delivery experience.
  • Our broad expertise across Strategy, TOM design, Commercial, Procurement, HR, Legal and Technology competencies allows us to build teams tailored specifically to our clients’ needs.

Contact us

Gabriela Teixeira

Gabriela Teixeira

Partner, PwC Angola

Tel: +244 925 120 610

Fernando Vasconcelos

Fernando Vasconcelos

Partner, PwC Angola

Tel: +244 949 912 713

Alexandra  Moutinho

Alexandra Moutinho

Director, PwC Angola

Tel: +244 934 281 820

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