Arthur Wightman

Arthur Wightman

ESG leader, PwC Bermuda, PwC in the Caribbean

Arthur Wightman, territory leader for PwC Bermuda, also leads markets and the insurance industry sector for the region. A PwC-accredited transaction services partner, Arthur forms part of PwC’s global insurance and reinsurance leadership. He has worked with global companies in Bermuda, the UK, Continental Europe and the US. He has extensive audit and advisory relationships across the insurance sector and creates value for clients on a range of levels, including strategy, corporate acquisitions and disposals, assurance, commercial due diligence and transaction services, performance improvement (finance transformation) and risk and regulatory management.

A member of the Board of the Association of Bermuda International Companies, Arthur chairs or participates within a variety of multi-industry groups engaged in growing Bermuda’s economy. A fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, he’s also a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bermuda.

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