PwC Bermuda announces new partner promotion

Hamilton, Bermuda – PwC Bermuda announces that Megan Green has been promoted to partner in the firm with effect 1 July, 2022.

Megan Green, a Bermudian, joined the firm in 2017 as a Director in the Asset and Wealth Management practice. Following on from a very successful start to her career in Australia she returned home to focus on the Bermuda-based asset management and funds industry, serving predominantly large corporate fund managers, hedge funds, and ILS clients.

Arthur Wightman, PwC Bermuda leader, said: “I'm delighted to welcome Megan as a partner in the firm and congratulate her on reaching this well-deserved major milestone in her career. She exemplifies our values as well as business and people acumen. Megan has the diverse skills and leadership experience we need to continue to grow sustainably while supporting our people and delivering the highest quality of service to our clients. She represents our growth story with The New Equation strategy, and our continued efforts to increase representation among our partnership. Her strong commitment to client service, and to nurturing and coaching our people, gives us immense confidence and satisfaction in welcoming her to the partnership.”

Megan Green commented: “I am thrilled and honoured to have been appointed a partner of PwC Bermuda. In my new role I will continue to not only deliver sustained outcomes for our clients but also drive our people and inclusion and diversity strategies, ensuring we’re using the talent and resources of PwC to be a voice for change.”

Megan Green

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Marina Mello

Senior Manager Marketing and Communications, PwC Bermuda

Tel: (441) 299 7184

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