Audit Readiness Assessment


We understand that as a  company your needs and requirements are as unique as you are. Growing a business can be demanding, challenging and intensely personal — driven by purpose. That’s why we’re here to help you manage your business and growth at every stage, in a way that fits the needs of your business. We also offer industry expertise and sound working knowledge, best practice and benchmarking opportunities within specific industries.

In performing your audit readiness assessment, we will strive to go beyond a financial statement opinion to help you identify and manage your risks – control, compliance and operational – as well as generate value-added ideas and solutions. Your relationship with your trusted business advisor ensures that we add value to you at all times.

As part of our work, we perform a deep dive to unpack and analyse your business. Through this process gain an intimate knowledge of all aspects of your business from financial, operational, workforce, systems and culture. We will collaborate with your team to uncover real challenges and underlying needs that are aligned with your core values. This process enables us to see where gaps and opportunities lie, these items will assist in ensuring your business is prepared for the future and enhance the value of the organisation.

We access the Finance Function Effectiveness by conducting:

  • Basic bookkeeping

  • Monthly management reports, including profit and loss, balance sheet and cashflow

  • Annual financial statements

  • Cash flow forecasting 

  • Acquisition and restructuring assistance

  • Payroll services

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Icho Molebatsi

Icho Molebatsi

Partner, PwC Botswana

Tel: +267 395 2011

Kosala Wijesena

Kosala Wijesena

Partner, PwC Botswana

Tel: +267 395 2011

Rudi Binedell

Rudi Binedell

Partner, PwC Botswana

Tel: +(267) 3709 700