CEE Resilience Centre

Crisis management and response

Businesses in Central and Eastern Europe are operating in an increasingly dynamic, complex and ever-changing environment. With lots of complexity, comes lots of moving pieces. Organisations that hardwire resilience into their operations will be better prepared for future crises. 

What does it take? It’s more than just updating your strategy and operations. The ability to react quickly will result in a better functioning organisation, and that often requires a cultural shift. 

Together with PwC’s Global Crisis Centre, the PwC CEE Resilience Centre helps organisations create strategies and cultures that can withstand internal and external shocks. Explore our services below to see how we can help prepare you for potential disruption.

CEE Resilience Centre

How we can help

Managed services

Creating and maintaining services internally can be a burden, both in time and cost. Our managed services let you focus on the business while outsourcing processes or parts of operations to us. 

The PwC network allows us to apply global methodology in a localised way. From crisis response to compliance, our professionals on the ground understand the environment you operate in. 

Types of services: 

  • Outsourced compliance office

  • Whistleblower platform 

  • Investigation as a managed service

  • Forensic technology as a managed service

Situational awareness

Better quality information means better quality decisions. 

We help organisations truly know and understand the environments they operate in. Specialising in both real time intelligence and open source intelligence, we have the knowledge and expertise to provide in-depth knowledge so you can be confident in your business decisions.

Types of services: 

  • Corporate intelligence

  • Industry analysis

  • Industry counter-espionage

  • Open source intelligence

  • Threat analysis / assessment

  • Disinformation threat environment assessment

Crisis response

Confidently navigate disruptive events and position your business to thrive. 

When a crisis hits, business as usual becomes a thing of the past. Decision-making is often paralysed by fear of making the wrong call. Even though many organizations end up doing the right things, they can still be disjointed and the big picture can be lost, costing you time, financial capital and public trust.

We can help you get to the heart of the matter quickly, then help you operationalise – so you can understand, prioritise, and address the crisis, build confidence with your stakeholders, and take control of the situation.

Types of services: 

  • Crisis management program design

  • Crisis strategy and scenario planning

  • Stakeholder mapping and engagement

  • Strategic crisis response

  • After action review

Resilience building

How do you make a company future proof? 

There will be another crisis. We don’t know what kind or when, but we know it will come. Organisations can establish leadership development programmes and resilient corporate culture now. 

We can challenge your strategies, facilitate rebuilding, and help ensure your strategy and leadership are fit for the future. 

Types of services: 

  • Resilience analytics

  • Threat simulations

  • Strategy pivot

  • Change leadership academy

  • Intrapreneurship innovation ecosystem development

Contact us

Ferenc Biro

Ferenc Biro

Forensic Partner, PwC Central and Eastern Europe

Tel: +36 30 567 0582

Sirshar Qureshi

Sirshar Qureshi

Partner, Forensic Services, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 602 348 926

Marcin Klimczak

Marcin Klimczak

Partner, PwC Poland

Tel: +48 502 184 087

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