We need to safeguard our organizations. Executives should treat cybersecurity as a standing item on the business agenda, embedding it into every strategic decision and demanding C-suite collaboration.
Sean Joyce
Global Cybersecurity & Privacy Leader,
US Cyber, Risk & Regulatory Leader, PwC US
Join us at PwC’s Global Cybersecurity Summit -- a 24-hour virtual event exclusively curated for C-suite executives. Discover the latest strategies to protect your organisation against evolving threats, while exploring emerging technologies and their impact on cybersecurity. This year, we are putting leadership and innovation at the forefront of securing organisations in the era of disruption.
Whether you're a CISO, CEO, CIO, CTO or Board member, this virtual event is an opportunity to immerse yourself in a global network of security and business leaders, gain valuable knowledge and insights necessary to protect your organisation in today's ever-evolving digital landscape.
Hear from industry leaders, cybersecurity executives, and innovative thinkers from around the world, as they share their perspectives on the latest risks and threats, cyber regulation, cyber strategy, GenAI in cyber defence and more.
Leadership and strategy
Emerging tech and innovation
Risks and threats
Regulatory developments
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