Our commitment to deliver high-quality assurance services lies at the heart of what we do. We provide comprehensive audit and assurance services that deliver real value and underpin investor confidence.
While the rules of business can change, the fundamentals don’t. And we’re committed to those fundamentals. We’ll help you meet investor expectations, which begin with the completeness, accuracy and fair presentation of information in your financial statements and disclosures.
The audit is key to sustaining confidence in your organisation and the financial system at large. It must keep pace with a fast-evolving corporate reporting environment – one characterized by investor scepticism and the 24/7 scrutiny of corporate information, including nonfinancial information.
Not only does your audit help assure compliance with applicable reporting standards, but our audit process has important byproducts, such as the identification of internal management issues and important insights that can help you address present and future challenges.
We approach your audit with a deep and broad understanding of business issues, the industry in which you operate and the latest regulatory standards. We consider the risks your company faces, the way management controls these risks and the transparency of your organization’s reporting to stakeholders.
Our assurance professionals across the PwC global network use a single audit methodology that complies with international standards and aligns with new standards as necessary. We relentlessly focus on quality, independence, transparency and advanced methodology to achieve compliance with professional standards and increase value for your organisation and your stakeholders.
We also can advise you on:
Depending on the independence and regulatory requirements that may be applicable, such as Sarbanes-Oxley, certain services may not be available to audit clients of PwC member firms.
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Kelli Dawson, senior manager, explains the importance of planning ahead when it comes to your IFRS 9 adoption plan and how PwC can assist.