Transformative Leadership

Unlock leadership capabilities to deliver on your organisation’s transformation

We live in a time of unprecedented global challenges. 

Organisations across industries and countries are steering through a storm of immediate, pressing crises – supply chain disruption, labour market shocks, inflation – while dealing with a set of powerful Megatrends (e.g., climate change, the advent of AI, shifting demographics) that threaten their future relevance and existence.

But these challenges also bring an opportunity for transformation. This is the moment to pivot - to turn short-term fixes into an enduring success. Because in this rapidly evolving world, transformation is not just an option—it’s the only way to establish your place in the future of business.

Your leaders must be at the heart of successful transformation – are they ready? 

In many cases leaders have got to where they are because they are excellent at delivering value and executing strategies. But now they are faced with unprecedented ambiguity and the need to lead multiple transformations towards an unknown future. The mindsets and skills that have made them successful will likely not be sufficient to take them into the future. Top performing companies are 1.5x more likely to have savvy leadership that recognises and acts on opportunities and threats. 

PwC’s Global Centre for Transformative Leadership

Having the right leadership skills and capabilities in place is the prerequisite of successful business transformation.

Successful transformation depends on a multitude of factors, many of which relate to leadership across various levels of the organisation, ranging from C-Suite to front line management. We have a unique point of view on what it takes for leaders to take their organisations through transformation.  

We offer customised assessments, learning programs, and coaching to help leaders develop the skills needed to guide their organisations through change, reinvent their business, and create lasting value for both the present and the future.

The five differentiators of Transformative Leadership

Transformation starts with leaders who understand the scale and nature of transformation that is needed and have the capabilities to lead through it. Leaders who are willing to step up and lead. At all levels across the organisation.

We believe that five leadership differentiators will enable executives to reinvent their organisation as climate change, technological disruption, and other megatrends reshape business and society.

Make sense of the world by linking short-term developments to longer-term Megatrends, understanding the implications for one's own industry and organisation, as a basis for reimagining how the organisation is going to create value in this complex system

Set radical ambition, committing to help address a significant problem and compelling the organisation to undergo fundamental transformation to achieve this

Achieve the promised outcomes, getting personally involved in reconfiguring the system to enable the organisation to go beyond what it knows how to do and fulfil its ambition

Act as a catalyst, attracting and bringing together the very different capabilities and talent needed to solve the problem they set out to address

Power the engines so they and their teams remain energised, grow, and develop throughout the transformation.

When practiced consistently, the five differentiators underpin a capability for leading ongoing transformation—that is, a capacity to continually reimagine what an organisation does and how it does things within the context of a world in flux.

“We see these leadership differentiators as relevant to anyone with the desire and intention to drive at-scale change, from the C-suite to frontline leaders, those with formal leadership authority and those without—in short, anyone who can contribute to addressing a significant organisational imperative for change.”

Pete Brown, PwC’s Global Workforce Leader

Leading through transformation - How we can help

Align the CEO’s executive team around a shared purpose

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Leaders solving for tomorrow - PwC's flagship programme

Today’s leaders need one eye on the future. "Leaders Solving for Tomorrow" is our award-winning flagship programme that enables  executives to develop their transformational leadership capabilities. Through this unique experience we bring a diverse range of thinkers to make sense of the profound changes that are shaping the world today. Executives emerge with a renewed sense of their mission – and of themselves as leaders.

The Centre brings together a team of specialists from across 48 territories to enable leaders to drive and achieve organisational transformation, build trust and create sustained outcomes for their business. We work with clients to develop the actions, interventions and tools they need to shape their own future in a turbulent world.

“I think PwC content is unique to their programme, and the fact that its taught by subject matter cases or actual leaders that have or continue to face those leadership challenges daily, makes it even more valuable and distinct.”

Leaders Solving for Tomorrow participant

Contact us

Zia Paton

Zia Paton

Partner - Consulting Leader, PwC Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1 868 299 0704, Mobile: 1 868 390 6218
