Accounting and Tax Reporting Services

The tax landscape is constantly changing. Regulatory requirements are increasing, business and finance transformation is commonplace, and tax authorities and boards are demanding that tax risks are effectively managed. In this fast changing world, we’re helping clients build a sustainable tax and accounting strategy for the future. Our complete approach to tax management and accounting brings together function design, technology and compliance delivery to help you understand and meet these challenges head-on.

The presentation of financial data in today’s digital age has never been more prevalent. With the growing demand for greater accountability and transparency, the shift towards digital, real time reporting is now business critical. With organizations facing ever-increasing volumes of data, pressure to drive efficiencies and streamline processes, there is an expectation to take advantage of constantly evolving technologies. The challenge is indeed doing more with less.

Our Tax Reporting & Strategy (TRS) practice helps tax and accounting departments take a closer look at their key assets, including people, processes, data and technology. You’ll see tax and accounting from a new angle so you can redesign, redefine and redeploy it as a strategic asset across the enterprise.

Accounting and tax reporting services

How can PwC help?

  • Finance & Accounting & Support Services, full or functional outsourcing of administrative and finance functions (finance & accounting outsourcing);
  • Preparation of financial statements in accordance with accounting standards applicable (SNCRF and PNCP Cape Verde, IFRS), conversion of accounts into different reporting formats (IFRS, US GAAP, PT GAAP), and other management accounts and respective financial reporting;
  • Support in specific situations, such as the recovery of accounts, analysis and reconciliation of accounts, preparation of information for ERP migration;
  • Control, tagging, inventory and asset reconciliation;
  • Support in the initial registrations of companies, namely in the preparation of start of activity statement for tax purposes, support in the registration of companies on the Tax Authorities' website, preparation of a local chart of accounts;
  • Support on compliance with the tax obligations in terms of IRPC (Corporate Tax), IRPS (Personal Tax), VAT, Stamp Tax and Social Security, ensuring, if necessary, the Certified Accountant role;
  • Controlling;
  • Temporary accounting and finance function support - secondment to the companies;
  • Transformation and operation of administrative and finance processes.



Contact us

Rosa Areias

Rosa Areias

Tax Lead Partner | Entrepreneurial & Private Business Leader | Member of the Executive Committee, PwC Cape Verde

Tel: Tel: +351 225 433 101

João Banza

João Banza

Tax Reporting & Strategy Partner, PwC Cape Verde

Tel: +351 213 599 557

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