Evidence Based Process Improvement

Process improvement based on data analytics

Organisations work continuously on process improvement. Perhaps changes in the world around them make their current processes inadequate, or maybe their processes prove to be different in practice than on paper. We base process improvement on factually substantiated decisions that originate from data analytics. Our approach, which we call evidence-based process improvement, leads to measurable improvements.

We use various methods for process improvement with data analytics: Lean Six Sigma, Operational Research, Predictive Maintenance, and Cost Accounting.

Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is a performance-improving philosophy, method, and toolbox in one. Our Black Belts can help you lower costs and increase customer satisfaction. 
We use the standard LSS phases (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control). Our approach divides every phase into three simple steps, each with its own deliverables. In addition, keeping sustainable change in mind, we also use a change management methodology.

Operational Research

Operational Research (OR) is a method that is used to improve or optimise processes by means of mathematical modelling. Our mathematicians and econometricians help you model your processes and implement calculated improvements within your organisation.

Predictive Maintenance

Predictive Maintenance (PdM) techniques have been developed to determine the condition of assets and predict when maintenance will have to be performed. Because maintenance is only performed after being signalled, the approach improves the process for routine and periodic maintenance. This process improvement can result in increased safety, more efficient maintenance scheduling, a better understanding of machines, and increased customer satisfaction.

Cost Accounting

Where can costs be cut? Cost accounting involves examining underlying data 


How we can help you

Our strength lies in our combined expertise in process optimisation, statistics, change management, and coaching. The structured and pragmatic approach guarantees you tight control over your projects without getting bogged down in details, resulting in a decisive and performance-enhancing organisational culture and sustainable improvement. We would be pleased to help you with such activities as the following:

  • Independent review of the effectiveness of your programme, project, or process
  • Programme and project support during process improvement
  • Hands-on coaching for your employees during process improvement
  • Support with improving your data management
  • Statistical and analytical expertise for your data analytics
  • LSS training for your employees: Yellow Belt, Green Belt, and Black Belt levels


João Mata

Management Consulting Director, PwC Portugal

Tel: +351 213 599 314
