PwC Banking Customer Experience (CX) Survey

Wind turbines at sunset.

Overview of the Banking Industry CX Dipstick Survey

A key finding we reported in the 2023 Ghana banking survey is that 81% of bank executives participating in the survey noted that they see mobilising more customer deposits as the quickest post-DDEP recovery route for their banks. This option came significantly ahead of deploying new investment instruments to address a market gap or increasing customer lending (63% each), or even raising capital for a stronger balance sheet (31%). This is despite bank executives identifying lower customer confidence as the fourth out of the top five risks blocking their recovery path, trailing the following: challenging economic outlook, impaired investor confidence, and unfavourable political risk.

Besides, in our interactions with various banks, they demonstrate curiosity about how well they are performing in the delivery of delightful and memorable customer experience (CX) at their touchpoints, and how their performance compares with their peers. It is to satisfy this curiosity of banks that we have chosen to focus on banks’ performance on CX in our 2024 Ghana Banking Survey. Through this survey, we expect to clarify what bank customers consider to be material to them when it comes to excellent CX. We are confident that the survey will help us to unearth the important factors—the big things and the small things—that banks must pay attention to ensure that they are delighting their customers and converting them into unpaid, yet willing, brand ambassadors.

We aim to publish the findings from the survey in June 2024. We make conscious effort to avoid collecting personal data that will uniquely identify any customer. Still, we note that PwC is committed to protecting the privacy and security of the personal data of all survey respondents. This Data Privacy Statement explains how we collect, use and protect the data you provide when you participate in the survey

Participate in our 2024 Banking survey here

2024 Banking Customer Experience survey

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Download the previous edition:

The Ghana Banking Survey Report 2023 

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Vish Ashiagbor

Vish Ashiagbor

Country Senior Partner, PwC Ghana

Tel: +233 (0) 302 761500

Kingsford  Arthur

Kingsford Arthur

Partner, PwC Ghana

Tel: +233 30 276 1500

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