Business Continuity Management

Business Continuity Management (BCM) provides organisations with the capability to respond to and cope with disruptions to their business.

We see BCM as an integral part of risk management and also of the overall operational management of the organisation.

Our team is led by experienced professionals with in-depth business experience, and our goal is to provide high quality, pragmatic solutions that are easy to use, and provide value for money.

We deliver key lines of service for:

  • Crisis Management: planning and supporting the response to crises, as well as rehearsing plans and teams.
  • Integrated risk management: providing organisations resilience and mitigating a wider range of risks.
  • IT Disaster Recovery: ensuring the recovery of IT systems meets business requirements.


We bring a wide range of additional capability to BCM, using the resources of the whole company - this helps you integrate BCM into a wider business context and enables us to offer additional services to you such as:

  • Real-time crisis support: support during a crisis, drawing on legal, forensic and communications expertise
  • Supply chain: understanding supply risk drawing on our industry, risk and procurement expertise
  • Governance and compliance: ensuring BCM and risk governance meet best practice as well as regulatory and industry standards.


Contact us

Reginald Atta-Kesson

Associate Director, PwC Ghana

Tel: +233 (0)302 761 500

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