PwC also acts as an independent financial adviser, free of any inherent or perceived conflicts of interest, when investment banks have been appointed as sponsors and are seeking to provide further integrated services (e.g. underwriting services). In such circumstances, we provide advice on the above matters independent of the appointed sponsor or broker.
It's our job to understand, advise on and solve the complexities involved in transactions, financing and policy at the interface between the public and private sectors. Whether it's raising funding for infrastructure projects or procuring private sector partners for our public sector clients, we deliver solutions that fund new roads, upgrade housing, build schools, modernise hospitals, improve rail services, and regenerate communities. With an extensive track record spanning more than a decade of providing authoritative, innovative advice on a wide range of transactions worldwide, our global experience and local knowledge enable us to deliver the integrated strategies and services our clients require.
We work with governments, shaping their policy, developing frameworks and helping them to implement PPPs, industry by industry. We reconcile investors' need for profit with the requirements of Government for political and financial transparency. As an independent adviser, we engineer a truly competitive bidding process.
Our service offering includes:
For organisations looking to raise capital for expansion and growth via the public markets, PwC provides advice on Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) and finance raising. By acting as a sponsor alongside your broker, we provide advice on markets/exchanges, regulatory authorities and issues and managing other advisers.