Phase One of measures in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

Effective 1 April 2020

Overview of the safeguards that PwC has implemented to minimise the potential impact:
  • Minimization of the presence at the office and clients’ premises to the greatest extent that is practically possible by extending remote working for our employees. Our technology tools enable us to continue serving  our clients minimising any disruption.
  • In line with increased social distancing measures issued by EODY and the general curfew imposed since 23 March 2020, all PwC Greece buildings, although they remain open and are fully functioning, will have restricted assess, until further notice.
  • When physical presence, either in our premises or at a client site is considered as absolutely necessary, plans are in place to monitor such criticality and to manage the commuting needs of our people, in line with government guidelines. All such physical presence requires prior approval from Senior Leadership.
  • Monitoring of virus spread on a daily basis and mapping emerging clusters of cases to take actions.
  • PwC people who have come into direct contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case are required to isolate themselves at home and monitor their health for 14 days from the time of contact.
  • During these periods of isolation, our people are also advised to monitor their health condition and seek medical consultation, or medical care, in line with EODY guidelines.
  • Launch of a centralized task force to manage our Pandemic Business Continuity Plan and an internal COVID-19 microsite for all updates and questions. The microsite is regularly updated with advice and guidance on how our people can help prevent the spread of the virus, while looking after each other and continuing to serve our clients.
  • We have reviewed various scenarios with our crisis teams and stakeholders in preparation for possible PwC cases and other types of impacts.
  • Establishment of a support network (e.g., Emergency Hotline, Global Security team, local office leaders) for questions, guidance or to report potential exposure.
  • Commitment to providing clean, safe spaces in our offices through regular disinfections to all our buildings, availability of hand sanitizers and disinfectants distributed in all our offices. 
  • Not permitting visitors' presence to our offices and only considering specific situations upon Senior Leadership approval.  In such cases appropriate monitoring measures and mechanisms are in place. 
  • Communication with our suppliers and service partners to confirm that they have appropriate plans and arrangements in place to ensure the continuity of the supply of goods and services to PwC.

Working with clients to safeguard the health and safety of our people

Our Clients will make their own decisions about the arrangements they put in place to minimise the potential impacts of a spread of COVID-19, as required by the Greek Government guidelines and their own plans. Those arrangements may impact the way we work with them. We respect the decisions our clients make and, where possible, PwC will be agile in finding solutions to overcome the inevitable challenges. 

  • If a client closes their office, we continue to work remotely, in line with our “Remote Work” Policy. If this has an impact on client work other working arrangements are made in consultation with the client.

  • We have limited presence of PwC people at client sites, but if this is necessary we ensure that the client environment maintains precautions and working conditions in line with EODY guidance. Employees are required to report such situations, as well as situations of real or suspected infection incidents to the Firm, so that appropriate action and communication with clients is taken, in line with our plans.

If you are an organization with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 and PwC clients or people may be affected, we ask that you immediately contact your preferred PwC contact or complete the below enquiry form.

Clients, guests, suppliers and contractors attending external PwC hosted events

PwC Greece meetings, events with clients, guests, suppliers and contractors hosted outside our offices, have been postponed in line with EODY guidance, till further notice.

Travel restrictions and meeting policies


In consultation with EODY, the Firm’s workplace doctor and the PwC Global Security team, we are continuously updating our travel restrictions and meeting policies accordingly:

  • Travel to all destinations (both domestic & international) is postponed until further notice.
  • In extremely exceptional and urgent cases, and if considered as being absolutely essential, travelling will be assessed and be subject to Governmental restrictions applicable at that time, in addition to Senior Leadership approval.
  • In situations where our people have travelled additional precautionary measures are taken. These include:
    • PwC people who have travelled or transited to any international or domestic location, whether for business or personal travel and those returning from their current trips, are required to isolate at home for 14 days upon their return, before going to the office or a client site.
    • Any of our people who do not feel comfortable travelling (either domestically or internationally), notwithstanding the fact that it may be permitted by the situation, will not travel and alternative arrangements will be made.
    • All internal meetings and, where appropriate, meetings with clients are organized using available technology.




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Contact us

Simeon Trimeritis

Manager, PwC Greece

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