PwC + Salesforce

Trusted global partners transforming the customer experience

Delivering next-level customer experiences with Salesforce

At PwC Greece, we work at the intersection of business and technology to provide innovation to fuel your customer experience. We can help you deliver the seamless "anywhere, anytime" access your customers have come to expect by combining our business and strategy experience, with our award-winning solutions powered by Salesforce technology to enable transformation across your business.


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PwC and Salesforce deliver personalised solutions for customers

Driven by the idea that companies should treat all customers like they're the only customer. The PwC approach in implementation, as well as PwC solutions - powered by Salesforce - are designed to strengthen your client relationships and experience. From sales, service, customer management, marketing and more, we'll help you find the right Salesforce solution to meet your needs.

PwC’s Global award-winning work with Salesforce

PwC is regularly recognised by the analyst community as leader in Salesforce implementations. PwC has been consistently honored by Salesforce with Global Strategic Partner Innovation Awards. Since our participation in the award program in 2013, PwC has won more awards than any other systems integrator.

Our process journey

We begin by distinguishing the foundations and building blocks of your project as well as the framework utilised to track your success. We perform workshops and interviews and prioritize requirements with you and your clients. In a second step, we will develop a data and integration plan and create a road map for the execution of the project.

Based on the requirements, the target architecture is described. We deduct core processes and their primary characteristics and define the model for security and data and key performance indicators (KPIs). We also identify your project's inner and external alliances, the required intersection points and the appropriate migration strategy.

On the road to the final product, we are using agile practices and a step-by-step approach. Small working groups guarantee that the product is tested to receive feedback by the appropriate stakeholders after each iteration. If you want to implement innovative procedures or track your performance, we are there to advise.

Successful execution obviously involves direct guidance during and after the implementation stage as well as real solutions to the on-going problems. We support you to organise pilot trainings and train your staff. You benefit from a large transfer of knowledge and documentation of all project activities and outcomes.

Our support stays beyond your new system implementation. When making the required organisational adaptations, count on our assistance. We preserve the quality of your data and focus on helping you flourish your Salesforce platform further.


Our solutions


PwC’s Salesforce Financial Services Cloud helps relationship managers and consumer bankers
better understand their clients and their books of business. With this solution, financial services
companies can receive alerts, analytics and crucial customer-specific insights.

Patient Digital Care

For years, healthcare providers have been looking for ways to continue helping their patients
after they leave their office. With PwC’s innovative Patient Digital Care, healthcare professionals
can deliver ongoing support and critical information throughout the treatment cycle.

Retail Clienteling

For retailers looking to harness the power of the cloud, the PwC Retail Clienteling solution can help.
Backed by Salesforce’s FullForce Solution, retailers can create consistent experiences for customers,
deploy sales-boosting content and analyse valuable customer transaction information.

Commercial Excellence

PwC’s Sales and Marketing Excellence Solution is an end-to-end process solution from initial inquiry
to order, all on a single platform. It provides a seamlessly integrated capability from sales through
service that can help you improve speed and efficiency, turn insights into action, and increase
customer loyalty.

Service Excellence

PwC's Service Excellence solution is designed to make it easier than ever for you to exceed
customer service expectations. By leveraging our advanced technology tools that let you anticipate
customer problems, project call center volume, and improve agent performance, you
can quickly achieve higher revenues and lower costs - and build more loyal, happier customers.

SmartAgent for Healthcare

PwC’s SmartAgent uses Salesforce Service Cloud and Mulesoft to help health plan agents improve
communication with members, automate processes for faster service and create self-service functions.
This powerful technology can be a boon to you and your members.

Wealth Management 2.0

Wealth managers need all the customer insights they can get to provide spot-on advice to their clients.
With PwC’s Wealth Management Solution, powered by Salesforce Financial Services Cloud, managers
and financial institutions can develop closer client relationships, minimise silos that often
exist across business lines, adjust to changing regulations and more

Supplier Marketing Community Solution

This intuitive PwC solution, powered by Salesforce, takes advantage of Salesforce Communities,
a user-friendly portal that allows marketing teams to share information in real time. The platform
helps companies easily distribute campaign information to suppliers, buyers, and other teams from
a centralised location.

Front office of the future

Organizations are under pressure to do more with less, turning to new software and cloud technologies to help drive efficiencies, open new sales channels, extend customer reach and increase revenue. Yet few companies are able to achieve the benefits they expect from their transformations.

The top priority of our front-office transformation approach is to get our people to embrace digital by focusing on enablement. By putting people at the center of front-office transformation initiatives, companies make sure everyone has the right motivations, the right tools and the right behaviour in place to ultimately form new habits to drive stronger, more valuable relationships with the customer. How do we know it works?

Find out here 


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Contact us

George Kollidas

George Kollidas

Partner, Advisory, Technology Leader, PwC Greece

Tel: +30 21 0687 4421

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