Shipping Industry

Shipping operates in a challenging economic environment, characterised by demand and supply imbalances, volatile freight rates and vessel values, increasing regulation, environmental concerns, piracy and geopolitical risks, among others. Greek Shipping has long maintained the global leadership in the international shipping industry and has an undisputed, major contribution to the global transportation & logistics industries. 

PwC’s dedicated teams to the shipping industry are constantly developing specialised services and business solutions to address emerging challenges that allow you to take action early and effectively. More than 100 shipping industry experts support our clients through group restructurings, regulatory and business transformations, technological advances, accessing new capital and changes in financial reporting and corporate governance requirements. Our experience and global network, positions PwC at the forefront in providing clients with quality audit, advisory and tax services uniquely tailored to the needs of leading shipping companies, whether privately owned or publicly listed, large or small.



Contact us

Socrates Leptos-Bourgi

Socrates Leptos-Bourgi

Partner & Global Shipping & Ports Leader, PwC Greece

Christina Tsironi

Christina Tsironi

Senior Manager, Tax, PwC Greece

Spyros Rasias

Spyros Rasias

Partner, PwC Greece

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