Transportation and Logistics Industry

The Transportation & Logistics (T&L) industry forms the backbone of global supply chains. The industry sector comprises a wide range of service providers, covering all modes of transport – sea, air, road, rail, – as well as related services such as warehousing, handling, and finally value added services like packaging, labeling, assembling etc. but also includes all sorts of planning, organisational and management services in this area.  

To realise its objective of becoming a regional gateway, Greece is undertaking a number of reforms to its transport and logistics sectors. A number of measures still need to be taken to facilitate investment. Changes to regulations and systems need to be initiated to encourage the modernisation of the sectors. These are vital to both the health of the country’s business environment and also firms’ ability to survive in the competition within the region.

Our Transportation & Logistics practice has grown in step with the industry, supporting clients through industry restructurings, regulatory transformations, technological advances, changes in financial reporting and new corporate governance requirements.

Contact us

Angelos Benos

Angelos Benos

Partner, Tax | Consumer - Industrial Products & Services (CIPS) Leader, Athens, PwC Greece

Spyros Rasias

Spyros Rasias

Partner, Athens, PwC Greece

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