State-Owned Enterprises: Catalysts for public value creation?


The motivations for state ownership can wax and wane over time, but state-owned enterprises (SOEs) appear to be an enduring feature of the economic landscape and will remain an influential force globally for some years to come. As such, it is important to ensure that – whether held nationally, regionally or locally – the state’s investments actually deliver the societal outcomes desired.

In this report, we address the following key questions which we believe are essential for a robust discussion around the nature and extent of state ownership:

  • What role do SOEs play in societal and public value creation?
  • What is the purpose and mission of SOEs?
  • What are their desired outcomes and associated performance scorecards?
  • What makes SOEs similar, yet different, to their private sector counterparts, and how do these nuances translate into how they are led, governed and controlled?
  • What does the SOE of the future look like?


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Penelope Kourkafa

Director, Marketing & Communications, PwC Greece

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