28th Annual PwC CEO Survey

Reinvention on the Edge of Tomorrow

Discover how Greek leaders are navigating the challenges and opportunities on the edge of tomorrow.

Key findings for Greece

Welcome to the 28th Annual PwC CEO Survey. This year, we explore the perspectives of CEOs from Greece and around the globe on economic growth, key threats, and strategic actions. 

The PwC 28th Global CEO Survey highlights a striking optimism among Greek executives about their domestic market prospects surpassing both their European peers and international averages.


of Greek CEOs say their company will remain viable for less than ten years, if it continues to run on its current path


of Greek CEOs await profitability improvements by prioritizing integration of AI


of Greek CEOs feel exposed to the availability of skilled workforce

Growth Outlook and Threats

Created with Highcharts 9.2.2Nearly 60% of Greek and Global CEOs expect global economic growth in the year ahead, increasing optimism from alow point in 2023.How do you believe economic growth (i.e., gross domestic product) will change, if at all, over the next 12 months in the global economy? (showing“improve” only)78%78%44%44%23%23%75%75%84%84%23%23%49%49%59%59%57%57%42%42%22%22%76%76%77%77%18%18%38%38%58%58%Greek CEOsGlobal average201820192020202120222023202420250255075100
Created with Highcharts 9.2.2The sentiment improvement is evident across most regions, with Greek CEOs being of the most bullish about theirterritory economic growth.How do you believe economic growth (i.e., gross domestic product) will change, if at all, over the next 12 months in your territory? (showing“improve” only)85%85%57%57%48%48%64%64%64%64%56%56%60%60%43%43%72%72%83%83%24%24%16%16%76%76%44%44%32%32%51%51%73%73%55%55%31%31%26%26%36%36%25%25%22%22%26%26%46%46%29%29%18%18%24%24%61%61%37%37%21%21%17%17%18%18%18%18%12%12%6%6%202520242023GreeceGlobalWesternEuropeCEEMiddle EastAsia PacificNorthAmericaItalySpainPortugalFranceGermany0255075100
Greek CEOs demonstrate consistently high confidence about their company’s growth, both in the short- and medium-term

How confident are you about your company’s prospects for revenue growth over the next twelve months / three years? (showing “extremely/highly confident” only)

CEO Survey

How exposed do you believe your company will be to the following key threats in the next 12 months? (showing only “extremely/highly exposed” and “moderately exposed")

CEO Survey 3
CEO Survey
Created with Highcharts 9.2.2Perceived exposure to macroeconomic volatility and geopolitics have remained continuously high in the last 3 years. In addition, concerns about cyber risks and climate change rise, while inflation threat de-escalates among Greek peers.How exposed do you believe your company will be to the following key threats in the next 12 months? (showing only “extremely/highly” and“moderately exposed”, Greek CEOs only)44%44%71%71%77%77%80%80%52%52%28%28%55%55%67%67%75%75%69%69%50%50%18%18%56%56%70%70%66%66%76%76%66%66%37%37%202320242025Climate ChangeGeopolitical conflictInflationMicroeconomic volatilityCyber risksSocial inequality0255075100

Reinvention ramp-up

2 in 3 Greek executives say their company will remain viable for less than ten years, if continues running on its current path. 
Greek CEOs now recognize the need for business model reinvention at a rate notably higher than the global average and their own view in the previous years.

If your company continues running on its current path, for how long do you think your business will be economically viable?


Created with Highcharts 9.2.2Greece37%37%28%28%66%66%10 years or less2023202420250%20%40%60%80%
Created with Highcharts 9.2.2Global39%39%45%45%42%42%10 years or less20232024202501020304050
Created with Highcharts 9.2.2Greek CEOs attempt to reinvent their models through either new pricing models or altogether new products andservices.To what extent has your company taken the following reinvention actions in the last five years? (showing only “to a large/very large extent”)39%39%29%29%24%24%22%22%20%20%32%32%38%38%24%24%25%25%26%26%Greek CEOsGlobal AverageImplemented new pricingmodelsDeveloped innovative products /servicesTargeted new customer baseTargeted new routes to marketCollaborated with otherorganisations01020304050
Created with Highcharts 9.2.2In addition, surpassing the trend of their global peers, almost 1 in 2 Greek CEOs report they have expanded to newmarkets over the past five years.In the last five years, has your company begun competing in new sectors or industries in which in which it had not previously competed?​46%46%38%38%37%37%38%38%43%43%35%35%41%41%44%44%37%37%40%40%35%35%32%32%54%54%62%62%63%63%62%62%57%57%65%65%59%59%56%56%63%63%60%60%65%65%68%68%Competing in new sectorsRemaining in core marketGreeceGlobalWesternEuropeCEEMiddle EastAsia PacificNorthAmericaItalySpainPortugalFranceGermany0255075

Reinvention Actions

Greek CEOs are actively reinventing their business models through new pricing models, innovative products and services, and targeting new customer bases. However, only 18% of their revenue comes from these new ventures, indicating that the benefits of reinvention have yet to fully materialize.


Created with Highcharts 9.2.2However, Greek CEOs say that only 18% of their revenue stems from adjacencies or new business, indicatingreinvention actions’ benefits have not materialized yet.What proportion of your company’s revenue in the last five years came from core business, business extensions and/or fundamentally distinctbusinesses?11%11%15%15%17%17%14%14%22%22%16%16%14%14%13%13%20%20%13%13%18%18%18%18%7%7%7%7%7%7%5%5%11%11%7%7%7%7%4%4%10%10%11%11%7%7%6%6%Adjacencies to core businessFundamentally distinct business(es)GreeceGlobalWesternEuropeCEEMiddle EastAsia PacificNorthAmericaItalySpainPortugalFranceGermany0102030
This is also eminent in Greek CEO’s reticence to resource reallocation; around 60% move less than 10% of both financial and human resources among BUs.

What proportion of your company’s human and financial resources did you and your management team reallocate across your business units (BUs) in the past year?


Created with Highcharts 9.2.2Financial resources​last fiscal yearcurrent fiscal year0%1-10%11-20%>20%010203040
Created with Highcharts 9.2.2Human resources​last fiscal yearcurrent fiscal year0%1-10%11-20%>20%01020304050
All the while, they continue investing in human resources, with 1 in 2 Greek CEOs expecting to increase headcount in the next year​.

To what extent will your company increase or decrease headcount in the next 12 months?


Created with Highcharts 9.2.2202549%49%42%42%-5%-5%-17%-17%net increasenet decreaseGreeceGlobal-25-20-15-10-50510152025303540455055
When it comes to strategic decision-making, CEOs could realize significant benefits by using the full suite of best practices  

When making strategic decisions, how often do you take the following actions?(showing only “more than 60% of the time”)

CEO Survey
CEO Survey

Climate-friendly investments

Created with Highcharts 9.2.2Eagerness to accept lower than minimum returns for climate-friendly investments has globally eroded by 16pp andfurther in Greece by 25pp.In the last 12 months, has your company accepted rates of return for climate-friendly investments that were lower than the minimum acceptablerate of return your company uses for other investments? (showing only “Yes”)35%35%41%41%42%42%34%34%37%37%51%51%29%29%39%39%32%32%43%43%44%44%35%35%10%10%25%25%28%28%15%15%14%14%34%34%13%13%21%21%26%26%30%30%27%27%38%38%2024 (CEO 27)2025 (CEO28)GreeceGlobalWesternEuropeCEEMiddle EastAsia PacificNorthAmericaItalySpainPortugalFranceGermany0204060
For Greece, this is in part due to significantly lower historical increase in revenue and state incentives than its regional peers and other regions.

To what extent have climate-friendly investments initiated by your company in the last five years caused increases or decreases in the following? (showing only “net decrease” for costs, “net increase” for revenue from product/services and receipt of beneficial government incentives)

CEO Survey
Created with Highcharts 9.2.2On top of that, Greek CEOs face regulatory complexity and lack of external demand at higher rate than both theirEuropean and global peers.To what extent, if at all, have the following factors inhibited your company’s ability to initiate climate-friendly investments, in the last 12 months?(showing only “to a large/very large extent”)GreeceEuropeGlobalRegulatory ​complexity​Lack of external ​demand​Lack of available ​finance​Lack of ​management buy-in​024681012141618202224262830323436384042

GenAI adoption

Created with Highcharts 9.2.2Global CEO predictions about the impacts of GenAI turned out to be slightly optimistic across the board, with theexception of headcount.Q CEO27 (2024). To what extent will generative AI increase or decrease the following in your company in the next 12 months?Q CEO28 (2025). To what extent did generative AI increase or decrease the following in your company in the last 12 months? (showing only “netincrease”)64%64%59%59%46%46%41%41%13%13%54%54%53%53%34%34%31%31%17%17%2024 Outlook2024 ActualEfficiencies in employees timeEfficiencies in employers timeProfitabilityRevenueHeadcount0255075
Created with Highcharts 9.2.2However, looking ahead to 2025, CEOs optimism for AI improving their profitability remains high, and in Greece it ismarkedly higher than last year.To what extent will generative AI increase or decrease your company profitability in the next 12 months?(showing only “net increase”)57%57%49%49%44%44%40%40%67%67%49%49%47%47%60%60%48%48%49%49%54%54%35%35%41%41%54%54%40%40%38%38%59%59%49%49%43%43%36%36%41%41%41%41%34%34%42%42%2025 Outlook2024 OutlookGreeceGlobalWesternEuropeCEEMiddle EastAsia PacificNorthAmericaItalySpainPortugalFranceGermany0255075
Created with Highcharts 9.2.2Greek CEOs prioritize tech platforms and workflows as key areas for AI – higher than global, yet only 1 in 4 predictsmid-term integration in workforce and skills.To what extent, if at all, do you predict AI (including generative AI) will be systematically integrated into the following areas in your company in thenext three years? (showing only “to a large/very large extent”)GreeceEuropeNorth AmericaAsia PacificGlobalTechnology platforms​Business processes ​andworkflows​Workforce and skills​New products or servicesdevelopment​Core business strategy​0255075
Created with Highcharts 9.2.2Trust remains the key hurdle for AI adoption, especially for Greece as only 24% of CEOs report comfort to embed it intotheir company’s processes.To what extent do you personally trust having AI (including generative AI) embedded into key processes in your company? (showing only “to alarge/very large extent”)24%24%33%33%34%34%47%47%34%34%26%26%30%30%34%34%33%33%42%42%32%32%GreeceGlobalWesternEuropeMiddle EastAsia PacificNorthAmericaItalySpainPortugalFranceGermany0204060

Overall this year, Greek CEOs continue to be optimistic about their business prospects, all the while realizing the drive for business model reinvention. To succeed in this endeavor, they will need to focus on workforce skills development to converge with their European peers. Going forward, investing in people, in commercial innovation and AI integration should be core strategy for Greek businesses, so that they can best capitalize on the momentum of the Greek economy.​

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Read PwC's 28th Global CEO Survey

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Emilios Melis

Emilios Melis

Partner, Advisory , PwC Greece

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