Tech breakthroughs megatrend: how to prepare for its impact

How to prepare for the technological breakthroughs megatrend, and the eight technologies to start with

The technological breakthroughs megatrend is manifesting itself in a proliferation of technologies. To remain relevant and to succeed, emerging technology strategy needs to be a part of every company’s corporate strategy. The most pertinent technologies—and the corresponding strategy—will of course vary from company to company; but our analysis of more than 150 emerging technologies pinpoints the eight that most C-suites should start with. Here’s a look at what sets those technologies apart—and what business leaders now need to do about them, and emerging technologies in general.

In this issue

  • What makes technological breakthroughs a megatrend? 
  • The Essential Eight technologies that matter
  • A three-part guideline to help business leaders respond productively to emerging technologies


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Penelope Kourkafa

Director, Marketing & Communications, PwC Greece

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