A company’s approach to tax is no longer just a question of compliance. In the context of the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) imperative and the broader sustainability agenda, it is becoming a powerful indicator of how a business performs as a steward of nature, how it views its role in society and its relationships with stakeholders, and how it assumes its commitment to its purpose.
There are significant upsides to getting the tax sustainability narrative right. Looking at tax reporting through an ESG lens has the potential to tell a more holistic and relevant story about a business’s purpose, thereby building trust. And unlike, say, a commitment to net-zero emissions, which might take years to document and achieve, a company’s tax “footprint”- how much taxes are paid, and to whom - is something stakeholders are increasingly asking a company to report on today. As a result, how businesses manage their tax affairs is increasingly becoming an early indicator of how they might manage other aspects of the ESG agenda.
While there are quite a few tax and legal services’ angles associated with enabling companies’ transition to a more sustainable future (https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/services/tax/esg-tax.html), PwC’s priority offerings can be summarized as follows:
Net Zero Transformation: We help clients understand how net zero transformation will impact tax strategy, transparency, compliance obligations, investment opportunities, subsidy and incentive opportunities and revenue.