It is becoming increasingly clear that the world is not transitioning fast enough to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.1 Many scientists believe it is now all but inevitable that we will breach the important 1.5°C increase in global average temperatures. Even at 1.5°C, the climate-related impacts would still be very significant.
Those impacts have already begun and are happening all around us. The risks we once heard of in the context of the future are crystallising in today’s world, and these conditions will continue to deteriorate for years to come.
There has never been a more urgent need for businesses to work together on a global scale to speed up our collective efforts to decarbonise and adapt to the impacts of climate change. That’s why we put sustainability and environment at the heart of our global strategy.
The 2024 PwC Network Environment Report discusses our global environment strategy which focuses on the parallel goals of accelerating progress to a more sustainable future and adapting to build resilience against the risks we now face.