PwC Network Environmental Statement

PwC firms serve clients and communities around the world, working together to achieve our Purpose: to build trust in society and solve important problems. 

The PwC network1 consists of PwC firms that are separate legal entities. That is because in many parts of the world, laws and regulations require accounting firms to be locally owned and independent. Although regulatory attitudes on this issue are changing, the PwC network is not a corporate multinational and PwC firms do not and cannot operate as if it were. 

PwC firms that make up the network are committed to working together to provide quality services to clients across the world. By working together, PwC firms comprise a vigorous global network with the flexibility to operate simultaneously as the most local and the most global of businesses. 

Corporate Sustainability (CS) at PwC is similarly governed at global and local levels, and it runs right to the top of both local and global network leadership. Responsibility for local CS ultimately rests with each Territory Senior Partner, and, at a global level, CS is governed by the Global Sustainability Leadership Team (GSLT). 

In line with the Global CS strategy, we have identified minimum requirements that PwC firms are encouraged to follow to minimise the direct and indirect environmental impacts of their operations, and to manage their environmental performance effectively. Many PwC firms perform well beyond the suggested minimum requirements and demonstrate leading environmental stewardship in their local markets. 

PwC firms are expected to comply with all regulations and any other environmental requirements to which they are subject and are encouraged to make the following commitments: 

  • Align with and deliver against PwC’s global net zero ambition.
  • Continuously improve their environmental performance with respect to their business operations
  • Reduce the consumption of resources and promote the efficient use of those resources
  • Consider environmental and social issues in the procurement of goods and services.
  • Consider environmental impacts such as energy performance, biodiversity and waste in the management and use of buildings. 
  • Consider the impact of environmental risks (including extreme weather events, climate change, nature loss and geological disasters) and prepare for their implications. This includes physical risks and related disruptions, and the impact of transitional risks on certain clients, sectors, economies and PwC services. 

PwC firms are also encouraged to:PwC firms are also encouraged to:

  • Develop and implement a local environmental policy.
  • Provide Board level oversight and review of their environmental policies and performance. 
  • Measure and report environmental performance including their greenhouse gas emissions annually in accordance with PwC’s global CS reporting manual2 .
  • Assess the materiality of environmental risk to reflect their local context, stakeholder expectations and business needs.
  • Promote appropriate consideration of environmental risks and opportunities in the services they provide to clients. 
  • Engage their people on environmental issues to increase awareness and embed sustainability. 
  • Work together with their people, community partners, suppliers, landlords and other stakeholders to promote improved environmental performance. 
  • Review their environmental policy regularly.

The environmental performance of a PwC firm and adherence with this statement is the responsibility of each Territory Senior Partner. 

1PwC is the brand under which the PwC firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL) operate and provide professional services. Together, these PwC firms form the PwC network. ‘PwC’ is often used to refer either to individual firms within the PwC network or to several or all of them collectively.

2Since FY13 the 21 largest firms in the Network have all reported their GHG emissions using a consistent methodology.

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