Championing gender equity

Our Gender Equity driver for change

The path to continued progress for gender equity

At PwC, supporting balanced gender representation across our business has long been a focus. But we still have more we want to do. We are laser focused on the representation of women at leadership levels combined with substantive action that drives an inclusive talent culture from day one. This dual approach supports a sustainable pipeline of female talent across our network.

We ask each member firm in our network to explicitly focus on gender diversity. To increase accountability, we have developed several gender-focused KPI’s including women partner admissions, proportionality of promotions, women experienced hires, the representation of women in succession planning and women leading priority accounts. Looking forward, we’re committed to continued progress and support of gender equity.

In 2025...


of our FY24 internal partner admissions were women


of our partner population globally are women


of our global workforce are women

How we’re taking action

Leadership commitment

Each member firm in the PwC network is focusing on gender equity as a part of its local I&D strategy and action plan, supported by both its Territory Senior Partner and Territory Inclusion Leader. Beyond that commitment, our Global I&D Council views gender equity as a priority area and is looking across five metrics to see that progress continues. We know actions start at the top, and have put the people and processes in place to drive continued support of gender equity across our network.

Leadership representation

To increase representation of women in leadership positions, we are working with member firms to review and strengthen their approach to attracting, developing and progressing women in senior roles and partner admissions. Additionally, at a global level, we apply a gender lens to all network-level succession planning and leadership appointment activity. Finally, to help our people see themselves at all levels of our organisation, we continue to increase the number of visible women role models at senior levels providing venues for them to share their professional and personal experiences.

Attraction and advancement

We are focused on supporting equal levels of female representation throughout our pipeline. To help support this, we are working towards hiring more experienced women, particularly at senior manager and director level grades, and we’re placing a strong focus on promotions. Two of our five gender KPIs focus on experienced recruitment and promotions to help increase accountability. Ultimately, these initiatives will support gender parity across all levels of our organisation and areas of our business.

Data driven approach

As the only dimension of diversity that can be measured globally, we have a unique opportunity to take a business-led approach to addressing gender diversity. We can better understand our realities, challenges and opportunities through real-time and predictive data-powered insights to create change. This is fundamental to achieving and measuring progress, identifying critical interventions and driving leadership accountability.

International Women's Day 2025

For over a century, International Women's Day (IWD) has provided an annual opportunity to showcase women's achievements and raise awareness of the need for continued action to support progress towards global gender equity. And every year, we at PwC mark the occasion with some special initiatives of our own.

This year, we're sharing the results of qualitative research we’ve undertaken with over 40 of our most senior women leaders across the PwC network. And we’ve used the outputs from this research to develop a Career Advice Toolkit that provides actionable insights and guidance to support with career navigation.

Explore our insights here

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Championing PwC women

We are actively amplifying the voices of our women at PwC, at all levels, because we know it's hard to be what you can’t see. Below you can discover more about our women across the PwC network as they share openly about their lived experiences, both personally and professionally, and how they are achieving their potential at PwC. 

You can also explore solution and solver profiles relating to broader dimensions of diversity on our Solution and Solver profiles page.


Explore our research-based thought leadership insights

UN Women HeForShe Alliance

Over nine years we partnered with UN Women HeForShe working extensively to elevate male allyship and advocacy for gender equality both within and beyond PwC. We graduated from the HeForShe Alliance partnership December 2023, but as former partners, we continue to be ambassadors for the HeForShe solidarity movement. At PwC, we are aware of the critical role that the private sector has in advancing gender equality, and partnering with UN Women HeForShe provided us a platform to act as role models in our industry but also join forces with HeForShe to truly accelerate the pace of change.
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He for She

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Aoife Flood

Aoife Flood

Senior Manager, Global HC Inclusion, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Lynn Rossouw

Lynn Rossouw

Director, Global Inclusion and Diversity, PwC United Kingdom