Unleashing the potential of disability inclusivity

PwC Brazil’s People with Disabilities Inclusion & Mentoring Programme is breaking down barriers and broadening positive perceptions of the disability inclusion agenda.

People with Disabilities Inclusion & Mentoring Programme (PIM)

More than one billion people – around 15% of the world’s population – live with disabilities. That makes them the world’s largest minority. Empowered companies are increasingly tapping into this sizable, yet relatively under-utilised source of talent and embracing the advantages that come with employing people of all abilities.

PwC Brazil is dedicated to broadening the positive perception of the disability inclusion agenda by educating leadership, identifying gaps and challenges, increasing the engagement of people with disabilities and, ultimately, improving the representation and development of people with disabilities in all PwC positions. Through its comprehensive People with Disabilities Inclusion & Mentoring (PIM) programme, PwC Brazil aims to support the professional development of employees with disabilities in all its offices and line of services, as well as expand the culture of inclusion through awareness training, leadership and mentoring opportunities.

The PIM programme, which launched in 2021, focuses on six primary goals:

  1. Strengthen existing career management of professionals with disabilities.
  2. Improve the people with disabilities career process through the provision of additional training and support.
  3. Build an accessibility and inclusion guide.
  4. Increase the sense of belonging and empowerment.
  5. Sensitise and educate leadership about their roles and responsibilities.
  6. Promote overall cultural change.

Organisers of the PIM programme outlined three stages of creation to help the initiative fully address all elements of building an understanding and awareness of people with disabilities as well as championing action to support employment and career development. The four stages consist of:

  1. Soft and hard skills tracks: Built to develop abilities that will support people with disabilities career development, advocacy and their empowerment as future leaders. 
  2. Networking and Development: All participants have the opportunity to join roundtable talks hosted by external executives who are well known disability experts and advocates in the Brazilian market, and who also have lived experience of disability. Via these roundtables the executives share and role model their personal stories, how they overcame obstacles, and also provide career and personal development advice.
  3. Mentoring: Participants are paired with PwC Directors, who provide coaching, mentoring and valuable advice to support career development.
  4. Individual Development Plan: Each programme participant is provided access to an external career specialist and works collaboratively with that specialist to develop a personalised development plan

“I am eternally grateful to PwC, to the PIM Programme and to my mentor, who is sparing no effort to help me discover the best paths and the best actions to achieve my goals. We are learning and teaching together!”

PIM Programme Mentee

The Results

So far, 55 pairs of people with disabilities (mentee) and partners (mentors) have been formed. These pairs conduct mentoring sessions each month and complete personalised training that includes lessons on protagonism, purpose and ableism; active listening, empathy and inclusive communication; professional development; self-leadership (mentee) and inclusive leadership (mentor).

The mentors participating in the programme report they more fully recognise the importance of creating an environment that values the contributions of people with disabilities. Several expressed that because of the PIM programme, they feel more capable of identifying bias and are committed to ensuring a more intentional investment in culture building. As such, some plan to continue in their mentoring role, even after the programme formally concludes. 

One mentee described the programme as “an enriching journey” and reported experiencing both personal and professional growth. The programme inspired them to challenge the limits of what is possible, push new boundaries and be more inclusive by applying the simple value of caring for people more broadly.

In an end-of-programme survey, participants reported the following:


  • 97% believe that the programme contributed to improving knowledge about ableism and other matters related to people with disabilities;

  • 78% responded that “Active Listening, Empathy and Inclusive Communication” was one of the most relevant themes of the Workshops;

  • 100% would recommend the programme for other colleagues.


  • 94% believe that the programme contributed to improving knowledge about ableism and other matters related to people with disabilities;

  • 81% responded that “Professional Development” was one of the most relevant themes of the Workshops;

  • 94% would recommend the programme for other colleagues.

Companies that make hiring people with disabilities a priority, and then work to retain them by fostering inclusive environments, reap the many benefits of what disabled employees bring. People with disabilities bring a wealth of talents and skills to employers as ultimate problem solvers with unlimited potential. PwC Brazil is excited about the future growth of the PIM programme and the opportunities they will continue to gain from it.

Participant testimonials

“These mentorships are moments that enrich our lives and make us think more about the vital topics for our life and the life of the firm. If you asked me what I think about the PIM programme, I would say that I am in love.”


“Participation in PIM has been an enriching journey! At each meeting our values ​​became clear in practice. The first, without a doubt, was challenging the limits of what is possible in each moment of life, maintaining integrity, seeking to make a difference as a team. It was up to me to learn and share the experience of a longer career, push new boundaries, be more inclusive and apply the value of caring for people.”

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Lynn Rossouw

Lynn Rossouw

Director, Global Inclusion and Diversity, PwC United Kingdom

Aoife Flood

Aoife Flood

Senior Manager, Global Inclusion and Diversity, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Giselle Kolkoto

Giselle Kolkoto

Senior Manager, Global Inclusion and Diversity

Bradley Deckert

Bradley Deckert

Manager, Global Inclusion and Diversity, PwC US

Tuneet Randhawa

Tuneet Randhawa

Manager, Global Inclusion and Diversity, PwC United Kingdom

Simrita Kaur

Simrita Kaur

Manager, Global Diversity and Inclusion, PwC United Kingdom
