The findings of the report were launched in Brussels to an audience of policymakers, business and academics, and framed a wider conversation about the future of EU competitiveness and the Single Market. We were joined by Enrico Letta, former Prime Minister of Italy and author of the report ‘Much more than a market’, to discuss his research and recommendations, presented earlier in April to the EU Council leaders.
At the event, Mr Letta drew comparisons between the CEO survey and his research about the state of the Single Market, reflecting on the internal fragmentation within the EU, the desire to bring down barriers whilst supporting businesses and consumers, and the momentum across EU capitals to be more competitive. Throughout the conversation, he brought to life his proposals for the re-industrialisation of the EU, the suggested Savings and Investments Union, the need for private capital in the climate transition and the idea of an EU fifth freedom that would allow for more research and innovation.
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