Asia Pacific Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey 2024
Job switching may surpass ‘Great Resignation’ levels amid rising workloads and an accelerating pace of change across Asia Pacific.
By Parul Munshi and Vishy Narayanan
Much has been written about Generative AI (GenAI) and its benefits to organisations. Mostly, we read about its impact on business models and efficiency and productivity gains – as experienced by business leaders. We hear little about what employees think of GenAI and their experiences with it in the workplace. With the release of PwC’s Asia Pacific Hopes and Fears Survey 2024 (PDF) (file size: 4.7 MB) earlier this year, of 19,500 workers in 14 territories across Asia Pacific, we now have a clearer picture.
Two key findings stand out. First, over 80% of GenAI users see its full potential, feeling that it enhances their value at work. (Interestingly, this tallies with our recent AI Jobs Barometer. It showed an almost fivefold (4.8x) greater labour productivity growth in sectors with the highest AI penetration, with AI-skilled workers more handsomely paid). Second, despite this optimism, only 1 in 6 workers are actually using GenAI daily. The reasons include lack of access, opportunities and upskilling. However, we also believe it highlights a clear disconnect between leadership/organisational aspirations, and workers' actual experiences. In this article, we delve into why we think this disparity exists. We also discuss how a shift in the leadership narrative and approach towards employees on GenAI may help boost employee adoption.
Which message do you think may resonate more with employees: “GenAI will help us achieve cost savings, efficiency and productivity gains,” or “GenAI can take on repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus on more engaging and meaningful work? Let me share an example…”
The words we choose can make all the difference to how effective our message is being received. It is still early days with GenAI, and naturally leaders will still be finding their feet on how best to roll it out. But, as often noted, execution does not guarantee adoption, so framing a narrative that resonates with workers seems vital to securing their support. Here are some further ideas:
‘Growth in jobs that require specialist AI skills has outpaced growth in all jobs since 2016. They also carry up to a 25% wage premium.’
PwC 2024 AI Jobs BarometerPutting ourselves in the shoes of an employee, the question is clear: What’s in it for them? Our survey suggests that they are already feeling overwhelmed by the volume and pace of change. More than two-thirds of Asia Pacific workers (68%) say they have experienced more changes at work in the past year than in the 12 months prior, and 59% believe there is too much change happening at once.
Employees are being asked to cope not just with technological change, but increased workload and changes to team structures and responsibilities. This correlates with the level of business reinvention currently being pursued by employers, as revealed in our recent CEO Survey (PDF) (file size: 5.6 MB).
This is on top of the uncertainty with the wider macro-economic environment – in some locations – and anxiety around the impact of climate change on jobs and personal security. Change is constant and workers are uneasy. GenAI is just one more on the long list of changes happening at work. It's easy to see why the uptake has been slower than hoped.
‘For Asia Pacific employees, climate change is a tangible threat to their workplaces. Over half (51%) worry about new health and safety risks like heat stress, air pollution and exposure to hazardous conditions. This is higher than the global findings at 44%.’
Asia Pacific Hopes and Fears 2024Take them along on the change journey with you. Consider improving communication, training and support during transitions – with different approaches to suit different employees. Making sure employees feel supported and equipped to handle change is crucial for maintaining productivity and morale in such a dynamic environment.
If employees are already feeling overworked, it’s important to consider their motivation for using GenAI to complete tasks more efficiently, especially if it ultimately leads to an increased workload. In effect, workers may feel they’re being asked to accomplish more with the same amount of time, which can be demotivating. This is particularly concerning given that the generation most open to using GenAI—Gen Z and Millennials—are also the strongest advocates for improved work-life balance. In fact, 33% of Gen Z and another 33% of Millennials use GenAI daily or weekly, compared to just 19% of Gen X and 17% of Baby Boomers. This suggests that workers need assurances that GenAI will support, not undermine, their overall wellbeing.
The message should focus on how GenAI can empower employees to work smarter, not just faster, ensuring they can manage their time more effectively without being burdened with additional tasks.
Leaders also need to invest in upskilling workers in GenAI, and ensure that incentives are tied to measurable achievements and aligned with reward and recognition. This best-practice approach to employee development is known to work, but given the nature of GenAI, we believe there needs to be one major difference. A shift from a ‘Total Reward’ approach to deliver ‘Total Wellness.’ This focuses on enhancing employee wellness – physical, emotional, mental, social, career, as well as financial – and will help organisations align with the needs and preferences of their workforce.
Adoption of GenAI can, and should, be a joint exercise. Workers (closer to the work being done on the ground), can often be a terrific source of ideas on where it can add value. Co-creation drives optimism and momentum.
However, the intent to discover how GenAI can bring value to the organisation and its people, needs strong leadership. That starts by helping employees understand why change is necessary and how they can contribute. A human-led, tech-powered approach can help leaders instil confidence that the risks associated with GenAI are understood and there are guardrails in place. Guiding workers towards some initial use cases, too, can help them become comfortable with the technology and ignite their curiosity to explore its potential further.
This all needs to be wrapped up by a Responsible AI strategy. In our experience, it’s critical for building trust and confidence among employees, as is an outlet or channel for employee feedback.
With the expansion of GenAI unlikely to slow down any time soon, leaders must guide workers in adapting more effectively to this change. This requires transformative leadership — leaders who not only challenge the status quo but also inspire employees to join them in embracing and pursuing more radical ambitions. When leaders and employees align in this way, the benefits are clear. We see this in the innovative products and services emerging from GenAI, where both parties thrive. For employees, GenAI unlocks new avenues for creativity and innovation, leading to greater fulfilment and engagement. For employers, this same innovation drives business growth and strengthens competitive advantage. By further aligning employee perspectives with leadership goals, organisations can fully realise the potential of GenAI.
Like the internet before it, GenAI's broad, horizontal impact is driving transformation across industries. As early adopters begin to reap the rewards, moving forward in unison could make all the difference.
Job switching may surpass ‘Great Resignation’ levels amid rising workloads and an accelerating pace of change across Asia Pacific.
Asia Pacific CEOs are showing increased confidence in economic prospects and their business viability. While there has been notable progress in business transformation, many leaders remain hesitant to take bold actions.
Our 2024 AI Jobs Barometer goes beyond predicting AI’s impact on the world of work to find new evidence of how AI is already transforming it, making people and businesses more productive while changing what it takes to succeed.
What is responsible AI? What can it do for your business and why is it important? Responsible AI is a set of practices that can enable organizations to unlock AI’s transformative potential while holistically addressing inherent risks. Discover how PwC is leading the way in Responsible AI, ensuring ethical and accountable practices in the development and deployment of artificial intelligence technologies.