Lending PwC’s skills to help shape corporate reporting on the SDGs

Setting the scene

Sustainability is at a key point in its evolution: one where transparency is becoming a basic requirement for conducting business. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have ushered in a new era of global development objectives aimed at addressing the world’s most pressing problems. But while active participation from business is key for achieving the SDGs, common practices for corporate reporting on them have yet to be established.

To close this gap, in September 2016 United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative, and GRI, the world's leading organisation for sustainability reporting, entered a partnership – the Reporting on the SDGs Action Platform.

"We’re thrilled to be supporting GRI and UNGC – two organisations at the forefront of sustainability reporting and the sustainable development agenda – on this pioneering initiative. Corporate involvement in achieving the SDGs is essential, and being able to support the partnership with their ground breaking research and international stakeholder engagement is a great privilege for PwC."

Malcolm Preston,PwC Global Sustainability Leader

How we helped

PwC is supporting this Action Platform through the provision of a specialist team from four different countries, contributing expertise through research and methodologies. PwC has been working with UNGC and GRI to help them develop two vital outputs in 2017. First, an analysis of the SDG Goals and Targets, including indicators and gaps; and second, a practical guide to SDG reporting for individual companies. The final analysis was presented at the UNGC Leaders Summit in September 2017 and is now available.

Wider stakeholder engagement has been an important part of the initiative. With UNGC and GRI, we’ve consulted with representatives from leading businesses to inform our analysis. Our support of this multi-stakeholder movement will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of corporate reporting on the SDGs.


The impact of our work is summed up by Tim Mohin, Chief Executive of GRI, who comments: “We’re making it easier for business to report on the SDGs, and empowering them to take action. This ground-breaking initiative is made possible thanks to the substantial strategic support from PwC.”

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