Roland Ogore | PwC Kenya

Aircraft Design Engineering

What makes the people you work with special?

At PwC Kenya, I work with people with multiple skills, personality traits, interests and experiences. What makes them special is their ability to blend all their different backgrounds, perspectives and experiences into a one team mentality. We are all different, but we show up as one team.

PwC Kenya subscribes to the strength-based approach of developing and appraising talent. This has allowed me, as a developing professional, to play to my strengths as opposed to the traditional gap analysis where I would have to meet a predetermined set of skills. While leveraging my strengths, I can learn, unlearn and relearn what I need to meet our business and clients requirements.

When you applied to work in Deals did you think having a STEM degree would be relevant to the work you would be doing?

Choosing a career in Deals was quite intimidating at first. I didn’t see how my undergraduate training in abstract reasoning with numbers, building equations and reliance on formulas would fit into my day to day job. Now I can see just how relevant the skills I developed during my degree are, especially now that I have a financial qualification as well.

Best of all for me, I’ve had the chance to develop an appreciation of the assumptions and complications that go into modelling real world situations with mathematics.

In a Deals environment you begin to learn how the numbers tell a story and I find that really interesting.

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“PwC Kenya was a natural choice for me because of the firm’s global network, good industry standing and a culture that attracts top talent.”

Contact us

Helen Sullivan

Helen Sullivan

Director, Global Programme Director for Edge, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 02890 245454

Catherine Murphy

Catherine Murphy

Senior Manager, Edge EMEA Programme Leader, PwC United Kingdom

Amanda Ashby

Amanda Ashby

Senior Manager, Edge Asia Pacific Programme Leader, PwC Australia

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