Global TMT Industry Leader, Partner, PwC China
I am PwC’s Global TMT Industry Leader and also the TMT Industry Leader for PwC China. In addition, I am a husband, father of two amazing kids and enjoy painting.
I have been leading our community of solvers across all lines of service - Assurance, Tax and Advisory - to provide professional solutions and services to companies in the TMT industry, as well as to clients looking to reinvent themselves and drive sustained outcomes through digital transformations.
My experience in assurance and advisory services allows me to help startups as well as global tech giants build marketplace trust and succeed in Capital Market Transactions, Assurance engagements, systems and controls advisory, and deals.
Five-year projections of consumer and advertiser spending data for both the telecom and entertainment and media (E&M) industries.
How digital currency could change the global financial landscape
As 5G is rolled out we look into how will it affect your country and industry. Download our 5G Economic Impact Report and try out our data explorer tool to get...
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