Basel IV book: The reference book for those who need more detail
After the overwhelming global success of the first edition of our Basel IV Book we are proud to announce that the extensively enhanced second edition with additional details, examples and case studies was published on the 8th of August.
This book aims to explain that banks and financial markets are facing a new regulatory framework called "Basel IV" and not just a fine adjustment of the existing Basel III regulations.
The second edition covers all new approaches for the calculation of RWA:
- the standardised approach (CR-SA) and the IRB approach for credit risk,
- the new standardised approach for counterparty credit risk (SA-CCR),
- both the standardised approach and internal models approach from the "fundamental review of the trading book" (SBA and IMA)
- the basic approach (BA-CVA) and standardised approach (SA-CVA) for the CVA risk,
- all new approaches (SEC-IRBA, SEC-ERBA, SEC-SA, IAA) for securitisations (incl. STS),
- the approaches for the calculation of RWA for equity positions in investment funds (LTA, MBA, FBA)
- the new standardised approach for operational risk (SA-OpRisk)
Because of the strong relation to the Pillar I requirements, the second edition covers the topics of interest rate risk in the banking book (IRRBB), large exposures and TLAC again. Additionally, the book contains a detailed description of the Pillar III disclosure requirements.
With the aid of a high-profile team of experts from countries all over the globe, the complexity of the topic is reduced, and important hands-on support is offered.
All the new and finalised regulatory requirements reflected in this second edition and the much higher level of detail make it worthwhile to read, containing the latest updates previously unavailable in the first edition.