InsurTech Insights: InsurTechs are transforming (re)insurers

The insurance sector is changing due to emerging risks, shifting demographics, and new entrants, forcing traditional players to adapt. InsurTechs are helping traditional (re)insurers break the boundaries of the sector by:

  • Transforming and optimizing the existing value chain
  • Enabling new capabilities across the value chain
  • Innovating underwriting of new products and lines
  • Facilitating partnerships or investments in disruptors outside of the traditional insurance sector

Here we take a closer look at investments and/or partnerships made by (re)insurers to capitalize on these emerging opportunities, and expand beyond traditional insurance.

Contact us

Jim Bichard

Global Insurance Leader, Partner, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7841 562560

Manoj Kashyap

Global FinTech leader, PwC United States

Tel: +91 226 669 1888

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