Defense Supply Chain - The end of ambiguity
The need for a streamlined and integrated supply chain is paramount to enhance operational efficiency and ensure the readiness of military forces.
PwC is actively helping governments and international alliances around the world understand and respond to increasing complex and unpredictable defence challenges. Governments and alliances, at all levels (international, national, state and local), operate in an environment characterised by increasing economic migration, changing demographics, diminishing natural resources, rising security concerns, financial pressure, and a more demanding electorate. In today's world the mandate to transform from traditional defence capabilities has never been stronger. PwC is well-equipped to facilitate this change.
The focus of our defense offerings is helping defence organizations to become more agile - flexible, accountable, and able to rapidly respond. PwC's network of premier business advisors has strong relationships with defense leaders at the local level while also bringing knowledge of the global security environment and the complexities and dependencies therein. Below are some of the services that are delivered in a collaborative, open and direct style by our professionals wherever in the world you need us.
The world is at an economic, strategic and technological inflection point, and defence forces are under pressure to act now to embrace emerging technology and create flexible, adaptable organisations. This is the inaugural report of PwC's Global Defence Advisory Board, which aims to guide governments through uncertainty and into taking bold action. It outlines key steps that defence organisations and planners can take to adapt and transform in order to keep the nations they serve safe.
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