5G networks could transform—and improve—all of the critical components of healthcare, a subject especially meaningful today as the spread of the coronavirus has put unprecedented stress on healthcare systems around the world.
5G promises to provide essential levels of connectivity to enable a new health ecosystem, one that can meet patient and provider needs accurately, efficiently, conveniently, cost-effectively and at substantial scale. However to realise the full potential of 5G networks in healthcare settings, network security and data privacy are paramount.
As use of 5G in healthcare increases, with its applications boosted by advances in robotics, IoT and AI, a new connected healthcare ecosystem will take shape. In our view, this ecosystem will align with a relatively recent idea known as 4P medicine—that is, it will be predictive, preventative, personalised and participatory.
By combining 5G with other leading-edge technologies, we can create the opportunity to transform many aspects of patient care, while catalysing the emergence of a new healthcare ecosystem.
Download our 5G in Healthcare paper to learn more.