Become a subscriber

Global Telecom and Entertainment & Media Outlook 2024–2028

Why Subscribe?

All Outlook subscribers receive 12 months of access to data and commentary for segments across 53 countries and territories, and access to dashboards and visualisations, including heat maps and comparisons of GDP and growth rates.

Have a question? Review answers to the Outlook’s FAQs.

For all other queries—or to renew your subscription—email our team.

How to subscribe

Step 1

Decide which data package is right for you/your organisation and click to populate your information on the corresponding request page.

Step 2

The PwC team will validate your information and email instructions to you to complete payment.

Step 3

Once payment is received, you'll receive an email confirmation and instructions to create your log-in credentials to access the Outlook.

Choose your plan

Interested in purchasing multiple licenses for your organization?

Complete the form and a member of our team will reach out to you.


Contact us

Data & Content Support

Global Outlook Support Team

Customer Support

Global Outlook Support Team, PwC US

Werner Ballhaus

Global Entertainment & Media Leader, PwC Germany

Strategy + business, a PwC publication

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