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Climate tech’s future may be AI-powered
Start-ups focused on AI-enabled solutions have seen a significant bump in investment. That’s an opportunity for the C-suite.
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Start-ups focused on AI-enabled solutions have seen a significant bump in investment. That’s an opportunity for the C-suite.
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In a PwC survey, perennial issues such as climate and energy took a backseat to two fundamental human needs. Are businesses working hard enough to meet them?
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PwC analysis shows that overshooting the 1.5°C global warming threshold is fast becoming a reality. Getting back on track will require exponential change.
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Each sector faces unique challenges and opportunities in implementing the EU’s new sustainability reporting requirements, according to a major PwC survey.
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Meeting the EU’s new sustainability reporting requirements will be hard, says PwC’s Nadja Picard. But getting it right yields tangible business benefits.
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How are employees feeling about climate change? Five stats from a major PwC survey tell the story.
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PwC research shows that big companies in ten out of 11 sectors risk falling short of their decarbonisation goals. Three steps can get them back on track.
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PwC research forecasts rising climate risks for nine essential metals, minerals and crops. Three moves can help business leaders minimise disruption.
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A recent PwC study of the electronics sector contains a finding that chief sustainability officers might want to show their CFO.
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Business leaders committed to a sustainable future must get better at answering that question, says a PwC report.
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Today’s chief sustainability officers have a lot more on their plate than reducing emissions. To tackle it all, says PwC’s Emma Cox, they can’t go it alone.
Global Industries & Sectors Leader and National Managing Partner, Clients & Markets, PwC Canada
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