Business resilience

Disruption is inevitable. How will you react?

A crisis has the potential to inflict devastating harm, impacting everything from organisational operations to financial stability and the health and safety of your teams.

How prepared were you when the COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe? What lessons have you learned and incorporated as you’ve navigated the massive changes of the past year? How can you position your company to weather the next crisis? 

Exploring these questions will help you begin to build the foundation for a state of informed preparedness: the ability to execute an effective response to a crisis, recover, emerge stronger and maintain business resilience.

Strengthen resilience across your enterprise

The more prepared you are to manage disruption, the less destructive and long-lived the crisis will be for your business. 

Incorporating lessons learned and leading global practices and standards, proper resilience planning can help your business withstand disruption and reduce the overall impacts of a crisis. 

In the long term, organisational resilience will strengthen your ability to respond and adapt across four key organisational pillars:

  • Technology and operational resilience: Sustain your core business functions and maintain the availability of key technology

  • Workforce resilience: Maintain a productive workforce that’s able to execute on your corporate mission

  • Data resilience: Maintain integrity and confidentiality of data and continue to meet your resilience and compliance goals

  • Financial resilience: Retain liquidity and assets

89% of business leaders recognise organisational resilience as an important strategic priority.

Source: PwC’s Global Crisis and Resilience Survey 2023

Build long-term resilience so your business can thrive

Too often when a crisis erupts, an organisation’s response is disjointed. Resilience competencies and teams, structured in silos that have been developed over many years, are not aligned. 

So when a significant event occurs, the teams, methods, and technologies aren’t able to function smoothly — and often create more challenges than solutions.

Better equip your organisation to enable a cohesive response by integrating core resilience competencies, such as business continuity, disaster recovery, incident management, physical security, threat intelligence and emergency response

Your organisation will gain two key benefits: 

  • A consistent, enterprise-wide view of events and their significance 

  • The ability to launch a coordinated effort to respond to disruption

Anticipate. Respond. Sustain.

Enterprise Resilience is PwC’s strategic approach to help you build a flexible operating model that can adapt through disruption. 

Applying our proprietary technology, your organisation can develop the processes and adaptability you need to respond to a crisis effectively and emerge stronger. 

  • Anticipate and prepare: Maintain a state of informed preparedness in order to forestall compromises of mission critical functions

  • Respond and recover: Execute response procedures and restore mission critical functions after a major disruption

  • Withstand: Continue mission critical functions despite a disruption or critical outage, limiting significant impact and curtailing downtime

  • Sustain: Tap into knowledge from prior disruptive events to enhance your resilience processes and reduce adverse impacts in the future

Building resilience for your long-term success

Understanding how to navigate the volatility of today’s business climate is at the heart of our approach to organisational resilience. 

As a global leader in crisis management, with decades of experience guiding clients through disruption, we’ve honed our processes and tools to help you tackle any event swiftly, efficiently and successfully.

PwC’s Global Centre for Crisis and Resilience has invested in the development of proprietary crisis assessment and management tools to help our clients understand their current capabilities and prepare to manage crises when they occur. We’ve seen firsthand how real-time, data-driven decision-making can help companies prioritise, detect and track critical issues. And we’ve built our tools aligned with international business continuity standards.

We take a holistic view of the state of your organisation’s business resilience — and as your trusted advisor, we’ll help you weather the storm, emerge stronger and build long-term resilience for the road ahead.


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Contact us

Dave Stainback

Dave Stainback

Global Crisis & Resilience Co-Leader, PwC United States

Tel: +1 678 419 1355

Bobbie Ramsden-Knowles

Bobbie Ramsden-Knowles

Global Crisis & Resilience Co-Leader, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7483 422701