Blue Callisto (a.k.a SEABORGIUM1, Callisto Group2) is likely a Russia-based threat actor which primarily conducts phishing attacks for espionage purposes since at least 2017. The threat actor is interested in acquiring credentials from US and European government officials and organisations linked to national security matters. In 2017 it was reported that the threat actor targeted the UK foreign office,3 and we have also observed its interest in UK and US universities in 2020 and 2022.4 Since the Russo-Ukraine war began in 2022, we have observed Blue Callisto taking an increased interest in Ukraine, targeting at least one private Ukrainian company related to logistics. We assess Blue Callisto is highly likely still primarily focused on governmental organisations based in Europe and the US.
In this blog post we detail 2022 phishing activity the PwC threat intelligence team attributes to Blue Callisto and list indicators for defenders to query. The activity ranges from February 2022 to October 2022. Some of the domains resolve to IPs which we assess are likely operated by Blue Callisto to service fake webpages and gather credentials as of 24th October 2022.
In February 2022, we observed a domain we attribute likely to Blue Callisto redirecting to a different domain, which we also assess is likely Blue Callisto due to the similarities in technologies, network providers and infrastructure setup.5 When visiting the domain cache-dns-forwarding[.]com a user is redirected to accounts[.]hypertexttech[.]com due to a remote script shown in Figure 1. The remote script was located on hypertextteches[.]com.
The web response from the remote script was obfuscated JavaScript code created by a popular JavaScript obfuscator6, which uses a combination of the following characters: ![ ]() as shown in Figure 2.
The deobfuscated code contains multiple client side checks, shown in Figure 3, to determine whether the request should be redirected or not. We assess it is likely the threat actor is using this code to identify automated scanners and antivirus technologies, and block them from the final phishing URL. The code queries several browser constants, such as:
If the code does not identify any problems with the request the script will redirect to the following URL:
Microsoft referenced Blue Callisto fingerprinting browser behaviour in one of its public blogs7. We assess the fingerprinting Javascript methods and code is likely similar to the deobfuscated code we have observed. The JavaScript code redirect has several further redirections before reaching its final URL: a Google themed phishing page shown in Figure 4. An example redirection chain is listed below:
The phishing page contains an email address that we assess is likely used by Blue Callisto for testing. The page statically sets the email address value to tr333lopex as shown in Figure 5.
Blue Callisto often inputs emails of interest statically into form input fields. In one of these instances, we observed phishing activity spoofing US National Laboratories in July 2022. Specifically, on 12th June 2022 we observed the domain registration goo-ink[.]online, which resolved to 89.147.108[.]182 from 25th July 2022 (which we assess is phishing infrastructure used by Blue Callisto). The goo-ink[.]online domain contained a Brookhaven National Laboratory phishing page, statically setting a Brookhaven Lab email in the input form field as shown in Figure 6. The email address of interest observed on the phishing page is linked to non-proliferation and accountability initiatives for nuclear materials in Russia and elsewhere. During this phishing activity we also observed interest by Blue Callisto in Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory based on URLs we observed on goo-ink[.]online.
In August 2022, Microsoft reported on Blue Callisto infrastructure that they had taken action against,8 including the domain goo-link[.]online. This domain was registered on 21st April 2022 and started to resolve to the IP address 93.95.227[.]41 on 22nd April 2022, and which was used for phishing activity. A list of attributes with some comparison of server features and headers is shown in Table 1. We assess both domains are likely Blue Callisto activity.
goo-link[.]online | goo-ink[.]online | |
Registrar | Hostinger | Hostinger |
Server Technology | Apache 2.4.37 | Apache 2.4.37 |
Server Technology | OpenSSL 1.1.1k | OpenSSL 1.1.1k |
IP resolution | 93.95.227[.]41 | 89.147.108[.]182 |
IPs ASN | 1984-Ehf (AS44925) | 1984-Ehf (AS44925) |
Observations | Phishing | Phishing |
Despite limited observations of broad activity, Blue Callisto is highly likely to remain active. In October 2022, we observed the threat actor is interested in an organisation which investigates war crimes; motives that would broadly align with a Russia-based threat group’s collection objectives. The threat actor’s tools, techniques and procedures (TTPs) contained slight shifts during 2022, such as network provider preferences and use of phishing technologies such as Evilginx. However, the threat actor continues to use some TTPs observed as far back as 2019 and continues to enjoy success from its phishing activity using legacy tradecraft.
Indicator | Type |
cache-dns-forwarding[.]com | Domain |
accounts[.]hypertexttech[.]com | Domain |
hypertextteches[.]com | Domain |
goo-link[.]online | Domain |
goo-ink[.]online | Domain |
hxxps[:]//hypertextteches[.]com/patrified.php | URL |
hxxps[:]//accounts[.]hypertexttech[.]com/oOzMeNTe?FtC=DLOJmne17BQw5JRQ74YDgmHxR52d0Ng | URL |
hxxps[:]//accounts[.]hypertexttech[.]com/signin/v2/identifier?passive=1209600&continue=https%3A%2F%2Faccounts[.]google[.]com %2F&followup=https%3A%2F%2Faccounts[.]google[.]com%2F&flowNa me=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=ServiceLogin |
hxxps[:]//accounts[.]hypertexttech[.]com/ServiceLogin?continue=https%3A%2F%2Faccounts[.]google[.]com%2F&flowEntry=Ser viceLogin&flowName=GlifWebSignIn&followup=https%3A%2F%2Facco unts[.]google[.]com%2F&passive=1209600 URL |
93.95.227[.]41 | IPv4 Address |
89.147.108[.]182 | IPv4 Address |
92.38.169[.]241 | IPv4 Address |
138.124.187[.]128 | IPv4 Address |
185.164.172[.]128 | IPv4 Address |
37.9.35[.]62 | IPv4 Address |
92.38.176[.]66 | IPv4 Address |
Phishing: Spearphishing Link - and
Scripting Interpreter: JavaScript -
Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information -
System Information Discovery -
[1] 'Disrupting SEABORGIUM’s ongoing phishing operations', Microsoft, in a new window (15th August 2022)
[2] Callisto Group, F-Secure, (n.d)
[3] 'Callisto Group hackers targeted Foreign Office data', BBC News, in a new window (13th April 2017)
[4] CTO-TIB-20200820-01A - Callisto targets UK Government and Universities
[5] CTO-TIB-20220511-01A - Tracking Callisto infrastructure
[6] JSFuck, JSFuck,
[8] 'Disrupting SEABORGIUM’s ongoing phishing operations', Microsoft, in a new window (15th August 2022)
[9] 'Disrupting SEABORGIUM’s ongoing phishing operations', Microsoft, (15th August 2022)
Global Threat Intelligence Lead Partner, PwC United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)7725 707360