Transcript: 2023 Global DTI Survey Key Findings

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Cybersecurity soundbites from Sean Joyce,
Global Cybersecurity & Privacy Leader


I’m excited to share with you the latest findings of our 2023 Global Digital Trust Insights Survey -- reflecting the views of over 3,500 business, security and IT leaders across various industries around the world.

Today, business, security and IT leaders are driven by events that no one could have foreseen, and they have pushed themselves beyond their comfort zone -- whether it’s out of the office to remote workplaces, into the cloud, or transforming supply chains that are almost completely digital. And with each new venture comes new cyber risks.

CISOs and cyber teams rose to the challenge and C-suites joined forces with them. More than 70% of our respondents saw improvements in their enterprise’s cybersecurity this year — thanks to cumulative investments and C-suite collaboration.

However, the C-suite continues to face a serious and difficult mission. All must continue to collaborate on the tough decisions ahead. CEOs recognize that cyber is a business imperative — one that the CISO cannot, and should not, tackle alone.

It is for this reason that we are publishing our report as a C-suite playbook on cybersecurity and privacy, featuring the latest findings from our survey, and highlights what lies ahead in 2023 and how executives can work together for cyber-ready futures. I encourage all the leaders, and not just the CISO, to review our report and have a discussion with your CISO.

42% say cyber breaches of their systems have increased since 2020. And so executives and boards must ask again and again, “Are we affected?” and, if not, “Are we vulnerable?”. Cybersecurity should be on the C-suite agenda.

We detect a shift in primarily a defensive stance to one that's proactive. C-suite execs understand that with their bold plans to innovate and grow, they're taking on more cyber risk. That's the top driver now for their increased personal involvement in cyber and privacy matters.

Customers, employees, and other stakeholders want to support purpose-driven companies that stand for something meaningful—something that goes beyond reputation, revenue, and brand-building. They want to do business with brands they believe in—and the right cybersecurity and privacy initiatives can help achieve that trust.

Thank you to the many leaders that took the time to participate in our survey, and to everyone who has followed our report year after year.

This year, the report is not for you to read. It’s a playbook you can bring with you in a conversation with another executive about cyber. I wish you productive connections.

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