Are you a risk pioneer? Benchmark yourself against 3,910 business and risk leaders

PwC’s Global Risk Survey 2023

PwC’s Global Risk Survey 2023 reveals a top performing 5% of organisations spread across all industry sectors—identified in the research as Risk Pioneers—who are forging ahead in the pursuit of opportunity and value creation.

Outcomes achieved by Risk Pioneers:

  • 1.8x more likely to say they are very confident of balancing growth with managing risk
  • 1.8x more likely to see GenAI as fully an opportunity than risk
  • 1.6x more likely to proactively take risk to create opportunities versus prioritising safe or low risk strategies
  • 1.4x more likely to prioritise building resilience to unexpected disruptive events versus prioritising stability and continuity when trigger events occur
  • More likely to view their own risk appetite (30%), their CEO’s (31%) and their board’s (26%) as eager/hungry, indicating closer leadership alignment on taking risk

Join the 3,910 business and risk leaders surveyed, from the boardroom and C-suite, across tech, operations and finance, as well as risk and audit—and explore your approach to value creation and value protection in risk.

Are you a Risk Pioneer? Take our real-time benchmarking survey.

This ten-minute survey will compare your responses with our global study data to help you explore your approach to risk and reveal your risk archetype.

Benchmark yourself now

Real time benchmarking survey

Contact us

Sam Samaratunga

Sam Samaratunga

UK and Global Head of Risk Services, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7710 058286

Shaun Willcocks

Shaun Willcocks

Global Risk Markets Leader, Global Internal Audit Leader, Partner, PwC Japan

Tel: +81 (0)90 6478 6991

Simon Perry

Simon Perry

Risk Head of Markets and Services, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7740 024957

Darren Henderson

Darren Henderson

Americas Region Risk Services Leader, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 416 941 8379

Rami Feghali

Rami Feghali

Partner, Global Risk Services FS Leader, Risk Services Leader, PwC France

Tel: +33 (0) 1 56 57 71 27

Jennifer Ho

Jennifer Ho

Partner, Asia Pacific, Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong Risk Services, PwC Hong Kong

Tel: +[852] 2289 2919