Terms of Use - PwC's hub in Decentraland

Welcome to PwC’s hub in Decentraland (the ‘Hub’). By accessing the Hub you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use (‘Terms’). As a reminder, the Decentraland Terms of Use[1], Content Policy[2] and Privacy Policy[3] also apply to you.

Each member firm in the PwC network is a separate legal entity. For further details, please see www.pwc.com/structure.


PwC does not have control over other visitors to the Hub, the underlying Decentraland platform and technology, or any third party tools and technology used in connection with your access to the Hub. The Hub is provided ‘as is’. PwC makes no representations or warranties of any kind whatsoever relating to the Hub or your ability to access the Hub. PwC expressly disclaims all liability with respect to confidentiality and information security on the Hub. You acknowledge and agree that any information you share, send or receive during your use of the Hub may not be secure and may be intercepted by an unauthorised party. PwC may deactivate the Hub in its sole discretion at any time without any notice, obligation or liability to you.

Assumption of risks

You assume full responsibility for your use of the Hub. You expressly release PwC, its member firms, their partners, principals and staff from any and all liability in relation to your use of the Hub. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, neither PwC nor its member firms, nor any of their partners, principals, or staff shall be liable for any damages of any kind arising from your access or use of the Hub. Some jurisdictions may limit the exclusion of warranties and limitations of liability. Therefore, some of these disclaimers may not apply to you.

As a sophisticated participant, you agree that you are fully aware of the intrinsic risks associated with any blockchain technology. You agree that such technology is highly volatile due to many factors including popularity, adoption, speculation, security risks and regulation. PwC is not liable for any risks or loss associated with your use of or access to such technology.

Purpose of Use

To the extent you have been issued login credentials, including Non Fungible Tokens (‘NFTs’) to access your account (‘Login Credentials’), you agree to safeguard your Login Credentials and keep access to your account secure. You may use only your own Login Credentials to access the Hub and solely for the purposes for which you have been authorised access to the Hub. You agree to not (i) share your Login Credentials with another user (ii) use another user’s Login Credentials to access the Hub (iii) attempt to gain access to another user’s account or (iv) access areas of the Hub not available or authorised for your use.


While on the Hub, you agree to use good judgement and courtesy. You agree to not (i) engage in any illegal or inappropriate behaviour including behaviour that is or can be considered to be harassment, retaliation, coercion, bullying, impersonation, intimidation or similar unwelcome behaviour, (ii) post, disseminate, transmit or otherwise distribute content that is or can be perceived to be defamatory, libellous, abusive, threatening, obscene, misleading, offensive, malicious, or otherwise inappropriate, (iii) distribute malicious code, viruses, spyware, conduct or perpetuate a hoax or other items of destructive or deceptive nature that harvest, collect, corrupt or destroy any data or information about other users, (iv) interfere with another user’s use of the Hub, or (v) deface or otherwise interfere with the Hub.

Please report any questions or concerns about inappropriate behaviour on the Hub to our ethics helpline: pwc.com/ethicshelpline


While at the Hub, please make sure that your avatar is not wearing anything that can be deemed offensive like hate speech, offensive symbols, language or politically motivated speech that could make other visitors to the PwC space uncomfortable.

Intellectual property

All intellectual property rights in the Hub, including PwC’s name, logo and branding, belong to PwC. You may not copy or use any PwC intellectual property without PwC’s express written permission including for purposes of creating an NFT.

Limitation of Liability

Notwithstanding the disclaimer stated above and except for liability that cannot be excluded by law, PwC’s total and aggregate liability for any claims arising out of or relating to your access and use of the Hub or any NFT in the Hub under any theory of law is limited to ONE HUNDRED US DOLLARS.